How to write a cold email to a potential client?

In this blog post, we will provide you with a step-by-step framework to write effective cold emails to your potential clients.

Iqra Abid

7/22/202314 min read

Cold emailing, also known as cold outreach, is the emerging communication technique in 2024 to reach potential prospects. Though there is a misconception that cold emails are challenging to communicate with the cold audience due to a lack of existing relationships and non-verbal feedback.

However, in reality, the fundamentals of crafting a successful cold email are to capture the attention of the target audience and present them with appealing value.

According to research, cold emails are 40 times more effective strategy than any other technique to get new clients and customers.

The ability to engage with individuals who may become your future customers lies within the effectiveness of your cold email campaign.

In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with a step-by-step framework on how to write a cold email to a potential client. We'll start by exploring its definition and delve into the art of writing impactful cold messages that resonate with potential clients.

But before diving into the cold email ocean, first, read here whether cold emails work or not.

What is a “Cold email”?

If you have an email account, you likely receive cold emails quite frequently. A cold email is defined as an uninvited email message that you receive from a company or person with whom you haven't a prior connection.

In a more specific way, cold emailing is to send an email to a person who can be your potential customer but doesn’t know about your service or product.

Therefore, it's important to create a cold email that stands out from the crowd. One effective way to achieve this is by crafting a compelling subject line that grabs the attention of the cold audience and incorporates essential information, an intriguing offer, or a captivating call to action (CTA).

Nowadays it has become a common practice for business owners to hire a virtual assistant to handle their cold outreach campaigns effectively. Because virtual assistants are specialized in cold emailing can bring efficient results in hunting potential clients.

To provide you with a better understanding, here are a few examples of situations where cold emailing can be utilized:

  • Cold emails for job opportunities.

  • Cold emailing to executives for networking or business purposes.

  • Cold emailing to customers to introduce your products or services.

  • Cold emailing to potential investors to introduce your startup or business venture

  • Cold emails to bloggers or podcast hosts to pitch a guest appearance or interview

  • Cold emails addressed to professors or academics for research or collaboration opportunities

  • Cold emails to potential clients with personalized offers or incentives to encourage conversion

When writing a cold email to a potential client, it's essential to consider your target audience, their pain points, and how you can provide value. By understanding your potential prospects and tailoring your message accordingly, you increase the likelihood of a positive response.

A must-read: How to increase your cold email response rate?

Benefits of Cold Emailing

A Cold email brings numerous benefits that traditional marketing methods can’t do.

  • Targeted Outreach:

Cold email allows you to specifically target your desired audience instead of pitching the whole industry, tailoring your message to their unique needs and pain points.

  • Scalability:

With the right tools and approach, you can scale your cold email outreach to reach a larger number of potential prospects.

  • Cost-Effective:

Compared to traditional marketing methods, cold emailing is a cost-effective way to connect with potential clients and generate leads.

  • Personalization:

Cold emails provide an opportunity to personalize your message, making it more relevant and compelling to the prospect.

  • Measurable Results:

Through tracking and analytics, you can measure the success of your cold email campaigns, making data-driven decisions for future improvements.

As a busy entrepreneur, you can also hire an affordable virtual assistant to do this repetitive and continuous task of writing cold emails, which can save you time and energy.

Now let's move to the steps to learn how to write a cold email to a potential client.

Relevant: Why should you outsource cold emailing tasks to virtual assistants?

Understanding Your Target Audience: Key to Effective Cold Emailing

To write an effective cold email, identifying your target audience, researching your prospects, and understanding their pain points are basic and crucial steps in creating personalized and impactful cold emails.

Your target audience is those particular set of people or individuals who can benefit most from your service or product.

Consider factors such as demographics, industry, job titles, company sizes, interests, and specific needs that align with your offerings. This clarity will help you tailor your cold emails to resonate with the right people.

Utilize online platforms

Find your potential clients for cold emailing on online platforms like Google, LinkedIn, and Use keywords related to your industry or target audience to narrow down your search and find exact clients and companies that match your criteria.

Use lead generation tools

Consider using lead generation tools to streamline the process of finding potential clients for cold emails. These tools can help automate the search for email addresses and provide additional information about prospects to enhance your targeting and personalization efforts.

Attend industry events

Participate in industry events, conferences, and trade shows where you are likely to encounter individuals or businesses who could be your potential clients. Networking at such events can help you establish connections and gather contact information for follow-up.

Researching Your Prospects

After finding the right audience now is the time to do deep research on them. Explore their background, professional achievements, and any relevant information available on their online profiles or company websites.

This research will allow you to customize your cold emails and demonstrate that you have invested effort in understanding their needs.

To do thorough research it's an effective way to take the assistance of AI trained virtual assistant and determine your potential prospects in less time.

Understanding Their Pain Points

To grab the attention of your potential prospects in your cold email campaign, it's essential to understand their pain points, and the challenges or problems they face in their industry or role. Put yourself in their shoes and consider how your product or service can provide a solution or alleviate their pain points.

By incorporating these insights into your cold outreach strategy, you can create targeted and compelling messages that engage your potential clients and prompt them to take action.

Setting Up Your Cold Email Campaign

Setting up a well-structured cold email campaign is vital for maximizing your outreach efforts and achieving desired results.

Choosing the Right Email Service Provider

Selecting a reliable email service provider is crucial for managing your cold email campaigns effectively. Look for features like automated sending, personalization options, and robust analytics. Popular options include Mailchimp, Brevo, and Campaign Monitor.

Building Your Email List

Build a targeted email list for cold email outreach, consisting of potential prospects who fit your target audience criteria. You can acquire leads through various methods, such as networking events, industry forums, and website sign-ups. Ensure that your list is regularly updated and segmented for more personalized and relevant communication.

Moreover, learn the proven techniques of building an email list here.

Ensuring Compliance with GDPR and CAN-SPAM Regulations

When conducting cold email outreach, it's crucial to comply with data protection laws such as the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the CAN-SPAM Act(a United States law that sets rules for commercial email messages). These regulations aim to protect individuals' privacy and ensure that their personal data is handled responsibly in email communications.

In practical terms, this means that your cold emails should include

  • A visible and functioning unsubscribe or opt-out link.

  • Clear identification of your company, including your name or the name of your business, as well as your contact information, such as a physical address.

  • Consent-based emails where applicable, where individuals have explicitly agreed to receive emails from you or have a legitimate interest in your products or services.

By following these regulations, you not only authenticate yourself in the eyes of your audience but also prevent your cold emails from landing in the spam folder.

Here before sending the hit button, make sure that your account is warmed up to send cold emails. If you don’t know how to warm up your account for cold emails or how many emails should send per day then read this.

Crafting the Perfect Subject Line for Your Cold Email

The subject line of your cold email plays a crucial role in grabbing the recipient's attention and enticing them to open your email.

Importance of a compelling Subject line

First Impression: The subject line is the first thing recipients see in their inbox. It determines whether they open or ignore your email. A captivating subject line sets the tone for your email and can create a positive first impression.

Higher Open Rates: A well-crafted subject line increases the likelihood of recipients opening your email. It piques their curiosity, addresses their pain points, or offers a compelling benefit, making them eager to learn more.

Relevance and Personalization: A strong subject line reflects the recipient's needs and interests, making it more relevant to them. Personalization adds a human touch and shows that you are a human, not an automated AI cold emailing tool.

Strategies for writing attention-grabbing subject lines

Be Clear and Concise: Keep your cold email subject line concise and to the point. Use clear language that conveys the purpose or benefit of your email.

Create a Sense of Urgency: In cold emailing, Use words in the subject lines that create a sense of urgency or exclusivity. But remember don’t pressurize the prospect in cold emails as this leads you toward spam folders.

Ask a Question or Pique Curiosity: Pose a question or spark curiosity in your subject line to intrigue recipients and make them curious about the content of your email.

Highlight Benefits or Solutions: Focus on the benefits or solutions. Clearly communicate how your email can address the prospect's pain points or provide value to them.

Personalize Whenever Possible: Incorporate personalization by using the recipient's name or referring to specific details related to their needs or interests.

Remember to test different subject lines and track their performance to optimize your approach. Analyze open rates and adjust your subject lines based on what resonates best with your target audience.

Learn more: Cold emails for backlinks. Proven Tips and Techniques

Structuring Your Cold Email

After capturing your prospect's attention with an effective subject line, the next crucial element is the opening line of your cold email.

When writing a cold email, the way you greet and introduce yourself sets the tone for your communication. It's important to address the prospect appropriately and build rapport from the very beginning. Here's how you can structure this section of your cold email

Addressing the prospect
  • Begin your cold email with

  • A personalized greeting

  • Address the prospect by their name.

  • And adds a personal touch to your email.

For example, "Hi [Prospect's Name]," or "Hello [Prospect's Name],"

Building Rapport

After the greeting, it's helpful to establish a connection or common ground with the prospect. Consider starting with a compliment related to your prospect's company achievements. It could involve mentioning a mutual acquaintance, a shared interest, or a relevant event.

This personalized approach helps your cold email stand out from generic sales emails. Also, building rapport helps to create a sense of familiarity and trust.

For example,

Congratulations on your company's recent achievement of being recognized as [Award/Recognition]. It's impressive to see the great strides you've made in [specific industry/field]."


"I enjoyed our time at [Event Name] last year, especially your insightful perspective during the panel discussion. Let's connect to explore potential synergies between our organizations."

Remember, your opening line should focus on your prospect, not on introducing yourself or your company.

While many marketers may hire virtual assistants to research and write first-line icebreakers. And many business owners even craft a whole cold email with the assistance of virtual assistants in relevant fields.

Demonstrating Expertise or Success Stories

To establish credibility and showcase your expertise in your cold outreach message, it's essential to include relevant success stories or examples of how your product or service has helped others.

Share a brief case study or success story that highlights the positive outcomes your offering has achieved for similar clients or customers. Most marketers just claim this in their cold emails but do not add any social proof.

Case study email helps build trust with your potential clients and demonstrates that you understand their pain points.

Addressing the Prospect's Pain Points

Understanding and addressing your prospect's pain points is crucial in crafting an effective cold email. Take the time to research their industry, challenges, and goals. Use this knowledge to articulate how your product or service can specifically address their pain points and provide solutions.

Highlight the ways in which it can alleviate their pain points and help them achieve their desired outcomes. By addressing their specific needs you increase the chances of capturing their interest and generating a positive response.

Remember, the key is to focus on the value proposition and benefits rather than solely emphasizing the features of your product or service. Show your potential clients how you can make their lives easier and more successful

Offering Solutions or Benefits

When presenting your product or service in a cold email, it's important to focus on the solutions and benefits it can provide to your potential clients. Clearly communicate how your offering can address their pain points and meet their specific needs.

Introduce your product or service in a concise and compelling manner. Provide a brief overview of its key benefits and functionalities, highlighting how it can solve the challenges or problems faced by your potential clients.

Differentiate your product or service by highlighting its unique selling points. Identify what sets it apart from competitors and makes it a valuable solution for your target audience.

Whether it's advanced features, superior quality, cost-effectiveness, or any other distinguishing factor, emphasize these unique selling points to capture the attention and interest of your potential clients.

Cold email Call to Action (CTA)

In your cold email, it's crucial to include a clear and compelling call to action (CTA) that prompts your potential client to take the desired action. A well-crafted CTA in your cold emailing helps guide your prospects toward the next steps and increases the chances of conversion.

Be explicit in stating the action you want your potential client to take. Whether it's scheduling a call, requesting a demo, signing up for a free trial, or any other specific action, clearly communicate it in your CTA. Use direct and actionable language to make it easy for your prospects to understand what you expect from them.

To motivate your potential clients to take immediate action, consider incorporating a sense of urgency or offering incentives. Moreover, you can use different other techniques in your cold email CTA.

By clearly stating the desired action and incorporating urgency or incentives, your call to action becomes more compelling and persuasive. This increases the likelihood of your potential clients responding positively and engaging further with your product or service.

Cold Outreach Closing Remarks

As you conclude your cold email, it's important to leave a positive and professional impression on your potential client. It can be achieved through expressing gratitude and politeness, as well as adding a professional signature.

A simple "Thank you for your attention" or "I appreciate your consideration" can go a long way in conveying politeness and respect.

By acknowledging their time and showing gratitude, you leave a positive impression and foster a favorable relationship.

Finish your cold email with a professional signature that includes your name, title, and contact information,

By carefully designing a structure of cold email campaigns using these tips, you can significantly increase your open and engagement rate for cold outreach.

Best Practices for Cold Emailing

When it comes to cold emailing, following best practices can greatly improve your chances of success. Here are some key tips to keep in mind:

Personalization and Customization: Tailor each cold email to your target audience and address them by name. Mention specific pain points or challenges they may be facing.

Keeping the Cold Email Concise and Clear: Keep your Cold Email focused and to the point. Use concise language, making it easy for the recipient to quickly grasp the main message and purpose of your email.

Using Proper Grammar and Spelling: Ensure your email is free of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Proofread your email before sending it to avoid any errors.

Avoiding Sales Language: Instead of using pushy sales language, aim for a more conversational and genuine tone. Focus on providing value and addressing the recipient's needs, rather than aggressively promoting your product or service.

Including Relevant Links or Attachments: If applicable, include relevant links to your website, blog, or case studies that support your claims. Be cautious not to overload the email with too many links or attachments, as it may appear spammy.

You can optimize your cold outreach results by testing and refining your cold email approach. But here the question is when you can send your cold email to a potential prospect.

Timing and Follow-up Strategies

Timing plays a crucial role in the success of your cold email outreach. Here are some strategies to consider:

Choosing the Optimal Time to Send Cold Emails

Research shows that sending cold emails during weekdays, specifically Tuesday to Thursday, tends to yield better results. Avoid Mondays when people are catching up from the weekend, and Fridays when they may be less focused. Experiment with different time zones to reach your target audience at the most convenient time for them.

Implementing Follow-up Sequences

A single cold email may not always be enough to elicit a response. Create a follow-up sequence to maintain engagement and remind your potential clients about your initial message. Space out your follow-ups strategically, allowing enough time for the recipient to process and respond to your initial email.

Analyzing and Adjusting Your Approach

Regularly analyze the performance of your cold email campaigns. Track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and response rates. Identify patterns and adjust your approach accordingly. For example, if you notice higher open rates during a specific time of day, consider scheduling your future emails accordingly.

By considering these strategies and hiring a specialized virtual assistant to ensure the implementation of these techniques, you can increase the chances of capturing your potential client's attention and receiving a response.

AI-trained virtual assistants continuously analyze and refine your approach based on data-driven insights to improve your cold email outreach effectiveness.

Cold Email Samples

Here we write the cold email samples for your better understanding and learning. Remember these are just templates, you must personalize or craft your cold emails according to your industry and niche.

Cold email sample #1

Subject line: Achieve (Recipient's Objective) Faster than Ever Before

Hi (Recipient's name),

I was impressed by your remarkable achievements in the [Relevant industry].

But I also understand the difficulties [professionals or individuals in their respective niches] face in staying ahead of the competition.

If you are struggling with (provide info)? We can help.

(Provide details of how your product or service solves their problem and present a case study)

Want to know more?

Let's schedule a call to discuss all the solutions to your problems.

Thank you for giving your precious time.

Warm regards,
(Your name)

Cold Email sample #2

Subject line: Quick question about improving your website

Hey {Recipient's First Name},

I've been impressed with the work that {Company Name} is doing in the cybersecurity space. Your expertise is truly commendable.

I noticed that your website could benefit from some improvements. Specifically, there are missing alt text, outdated content, and broken links that could impact your site's SEO and user experience. At {Your Company Name}, we specialize in providing tailored solutions to address these issues.

We've successfully helped numerous companies like {Social Proof Examples} achieve first-page rankings on Google and significantly increase their organic traffic.

Would you be open to scheduling a quick chat to discuss how we can enhance your website's performance?

Best Regards,
{Your Name}


In conclusion, cold emailing is an effective strategy for reaching out to potential clients and prospects. By understanding and researching your target audience and their pain points, you can craft personalized and compelling cold emails that resonate with them.

Remember to follow these key points, when it comes to writing cold emails

  • Personalize your message to resonate with your target audience and address their pain points effectively.

  • Keep your cold email concise and clear, highlighting the benefits and solutions your product or service offers.

  • Use proper grammar and spelling to maintain a professional impression.

  • Craft an attention-grabbing subject line to make the prospect open the email.

  • Avoid using overly sales language and focus on providing value.

  • Include relevant links or attachments to provide additional information if necessary.

  • And the most important part of cold emailing is the call to action. Encourage your target audience to take action by clearly writing CTAs in your cold emails.

  • Timing and follow-up strategies are also important considerations. Choosing the optimal time to send your cold emails and implementing follow-up sequences can increase the chances of a positive response.

  • Finally, analyzing and adjusting your approach based on data and feedback is essential for continuous improvement and maximizing the effectiveness of your cold email campaigns.

By following these best practices and utilizing the power of cold emailing, you can effectively connect with potential prospects, address their pain points, and ultimately drive business growth.

Remember, cold emailing is a dynamic process that requires constant refinement and adaptation.

If you want to stay focused on your target audience and achieve the best possible outcomes with your cold emailing efforts, consider reaching out to info@vaforus which has a specialized team of cold-calling experts who have developed battle-tested strategies to help businesses like yours grow.

Start leveraging the potential of cold emailing with us by scheduling a meeting today and unlocking new opportunities for your business!