Do Cold Emails Work?

In this blog post, we will discuss whether cold emails work or not and what are the best practices to make cold emailing more effective.

Iqra Abid

10/19/20236 min read

A Gmail logo with text Get started with Gmail
A Gmail logo with text Get started with Gmail

In a digital landscape saturated with communication, the question persists: Do cold emails work?

However, crafting cold emails that foster meaningful engagement with prospects and yield tangible results is no easy feat.

It's far more complex than sending a generic email to all prospects, following up a few days later, and expecting a surge in sales. It's not just us saying this; it's the reality. If it were that simple, everyone would be doing it.

Yet, cold emailing remains one of the most misunderstood techniques in today's digital marketing world. They often evoke thoughts of spam, but it's not as straightforward as it seems.

Today, my mission is to dispel misunderstandings and address the challenges that businesses encounter regarding cold email outreach.

I aim to provide effective techniques and strategies that genuinely generate results while steering clear of spam-related pitfalls in cold email campaigns.

What is cold email?

In simple terms, cold emails are messages sent to prospects with whom your business has had no prior interaction.

Cold email campaign stands out due to its specific target audience. It doesn't address a broad audience; unlike content that reaches a wide market audience, a cold email is intended for a single prospect.

The initial introduction in a cold email should be seen as an opportunity rather than an awkward situation.

Cold email outreach and campaigns are distinct in their focus on reaching out to individuals who may not be familiar with your products or services.

Cold email is a personalized approach that tailors the message to a narrow audience, ensuring that it captures the attention of the specific prospect and guides him to a clear call to action.

Do cold emails still work?

The one question echoing across marketing strategies is do cold email works?

Well, the answer is yes if cold emailing is done in the right way.

According to recent studies, cold emails boast an impressive average open rate of 21.3%, outshining the open rates of other communication channels.

This contradicts the misconception that cold emails refer to the dark corners of spam folders.

The personalized subject lines of cold emails increase the likelihood of a cold outreach being opened by a staggering 26%.

In a world flooded with information, the specificity and directness of cold emails prove to be assets.

Contrary to the notion that they are obsolete in the era of social media and advanced marketing tools, cold emails carve a niche by providing a direct line of communication to potential clients.

Discover more: How to write cold emails to potential clients?

Best practices for Cold emailing that actually work

1-Providing Value in Every Cold Email

Cold emailing still works because you can provide value in every cold outreach.

Your content should be a treasure trove for the recipient. Whether it's valuable information, a solution to a problem, or an exclusive offer, ensure that every cold email adds significant value.

Don’t focus on promoting your business in your cold email campaigns. Give them a reason to read your cold email till your call to action and then perform that action.

2- Showcasing Expertise and Relevance

Cold emails work because you can show your capability and position yourself as an industry expert in your outreach.

Share insights, case studies, any notable clients, social proofs, and success stories in your cold email outreach that showcase your expertise and highlight your relevance to the recipient.

Social proofs and case studies alleviate the doubts that may occur in the prospect’s mind about your offer.

Consider this example where a digital marketing agency writes a cold email to a travel company.

Case Study: Transforming Reservations with Strategic SEO

In collaboration with [travel agency], we implemented a tailored SEO strategy that resulted in a 30% increase in online reservations within just three months. This not only boosted their visibility on search engines but also significantly impacted their bottom line.

3-Personalize Your Cold Emails: The Power of Tailored Communication

Any email communication requires personalization. However, in the case of cold emailing, it emerges as a game-changer.

Before hitting that send button, invest the time in researching and understanding your recipient.

Incorporate their name and delve into specific details or interests, showcasing your efforts in your cold email outreach.

Personalization goes beyond the superficial; it's about establishing a connection.

By weaving in personalized elements, you significantly elevate the chances of your cold email not just being read, but leads recipients to call to action.

Discover more: What is email marketing? Your Ultimate handbook

4-Craft a Compelling Subject Line: The Gateway to Engagement

The subject line stands as the first impression, the gateway to your cold email.

Craft it with precision, ensuring it's concise, attention-grabbing, and, most importantly, relevant to the recipient.

Subject lines and cold emails are not the space for generic or spammy language that might consign your email to the dreaded spam folder or, worse, get it ignored entirely.

A subject line should ignite curiosity and prompt the recipient to delve into the content.

It's the art of encapsulating the essence of your cold email in a few words, leaving a lasting impact right from the moment it lands in the recipient's inbox.

Discover more: Why should you outsource cold emailing tasks to virtual assistants?

5-Send Cold Emails on the appropriate Timing

Understand the best sending times when you really want your cold email outreach to work.

Timing can make or break a cold email campaign. Know when your audience is most receptive to maximize the impact of your message. In addition, avoid overwhelming frequency.

There's a fine line between persistence and annoyance. Finding the right frequency for your cold emailing ensures that you stay on the right side of that line.

6-Avoid Bulky Attachments and large files in cold outreach

In the realm of cold email etiquette, steer clear of attaching excessively large files to your messages.

Sending hefty attachments in your cold emails could potentially land your email in the dreaded spam folder.

To sidestep this digital pitfall, consider alternatives like utilizing cloud storage services or offering convenient download links for your recipients.

It not only ensures smoother delivery but also maintains your email's credibility.

7-Ensure Your Cold Emails Land Safely: A Quick Deliverability Test

Before you hit that send button for your cold email outreach, run a quick email deliverability test.

Think of it as a digital litmus test to gauge if your cold outreach is likely to end up in the recipient's inbox or take an unwanted diversion to the spam folder.

Leverage well-designed email deliverability tools or services to assess the health of your cold email campaigns.

Also, double-check that your domain and email configurations are properly set up. This extra step significantly boosts the odds of your well-crafted cold emails making a grand entrance into the wanted inbox space.

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8-Respect and Protect: Navigating Privacy and Data Regulations

If you want your cold emails to work, it's super important to respect people's privacy and stick to rules about keeping their info safe.

If you're directing cold emails that involve people from Europe, you should know about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

It's not just a bunch of legal stuff; it's also about building trust with the recipients.

Always get permission for cold emails when you need it, and make it super easy for prospects to opt-out or unsubscribe from your emails.

It's not just a smart move; it's the way to keep your reputation sparkling when you're emailing in this vast digital world.

9-Guide them with a Call to action

At the end of the cold email campaign, make it crystal clear what you'd like the potential prospect to do next. That’s what we call a clear and simple call to action.

Whether it's setting up a meeting, having a quick call, checking out your website, or reading a blog, lay it out in simple terms.

Your call to action (CTA) should be like a beacon—easy to spot and straightforward.

You can include any necessary details or links to make their next move smooth and effortless.

Call to action(CTA) in cold outreach matters in generating leads and converting prospects into customers

10- Follow up pays off

Never perceive your cold outreach as an outright "NO" just because you didn't get an immediate reply.

It's completely fine to send a friendly follow-up email after allowing a reasonable amount of time to pass.

However, here's the key—keep it cool. Nobody appreciates the pushy neighbor knocking on the door every five minutes.

Consider this: maybe the recipient got busy, saved your cold email for later, and it slipped their mind.

A well-timed follow-up email can give a significant boost to your cold email campaign.

However, respect their space, and if they've chosen not to respond or take you up on your offer, graciously accept their decision.

It's all about maintaining a positive and respectful connection.


Cold emails do work and can be effective in certain situations, but it depends on the context of the email and the recipient's level of interest.

It's important to have a well-crafted cold email that clearly states the value proposition and establishes a connection with the recipient.

It's also important to consider the recipient's time and attention and to respect their privacy and preferences.

Cold emailing can be a useful tool for networking, marketing, or sales, but it should be used with care and with a clear purpose and simple call to action.

So don’t be left behind, and give it a try to cold email outreach with Vaforus AI-trained Virtual assistants that know the importance of human touch in every content.

You are one click away from skyrocketing your cold email campaigns. Click here to schedule a meeting.