Why should you Outsource Cold emailing tasks to a Virtual Assistant?

Outsourcing Cold emailing tasks brings amazing benefits like adaptability, A/B Testing, more prospects, and saving time.

Iqra Abid

9/27/20235 min read

Every year businesses across the globe send out an astounding 124.5 billion cold emails, to connect with potential clients and generate sales.

With this amazing outreach, the one question that still arises is how can you ensure the cold emails that stand out from the crowd and give you tangible results.

That’s where the world of outsourcing to virtual assistants enters. The cold email specialist virtual assistants proved to be a game changer for your business.
Statistics reveal that companies that influence VA support for their cold email efforts witness a remarkable increase in response rates compared to traditional in-house methods.


You should be.

This article is your gateway to understanding why outsourcing cold email tasks might just be the secret ingredient your business needs to unlock unparalleled efficiency, expertise, and success in your outreach endeavors.

So, fasten your seatbelts, as we embark on a journey to discover the undeniable power and advantages of integrating VAs into your cold email strategy.

The Power of Cold Email Outreach

Research indicates that 99% of email users check their emails every day.

The most intriguing part is that 60% of people check their inboxes before even going to social media.

Despite this potential, many businesses fail to fully utilize the possibilities of cold emailing tasks because they are preoccupied with other urgent tasks.

However, there is a ray of hope, suggesting that a skilled virtual assistant can come to the rescue in such situations.

By effectively outsourcing cold emailing, you can reach your target audience and ensure that when they open your emails, they are inclined to check your social media profiles and website, evaluating your authority in your industry.

The key here is to craft cold emails that immediately capture the recipient's attention, making it clear why they should open and engage with your message.

Save valuable time

When you outsource cold emailing to virtual assistants, you can save valuable time in performing other core tasks while the experts bring more clients to your table.

You can easily manage your clients as the meetings are scheduled and proposals can be made with a strategic approach to capture the attention of clients.

Also, you have more time to think about your business strategies and other financial tasks.

By entrusting this task to a virtual assistant, you can regain control over your workflow and channel your energy toward more meaningful work that will push your business forward.

Cold Email Mastery

Cold Email campaigns demand a certain finesse. Outsourcing cold emails to service providers means you are entering a world of techniques, expertise, and strategies that surely increase the likelihood of a positive response.

Virtual assistant agencies are well-versed in navigating the complexities of crafting cold email campaigns. And will definitely skyrocket your business revenue.

Increased Prospecting Efforts

Finding potential customers or leads for a business plays a vital role in business growth.

Cold email outreach virtual assistants are experts and know the strategies to generate more leads.

VA teams are equipped with the tools and knowledge needed to identify and engage with potential clients in a precise and efficient manner.

This focused approach is contrasted with a more random outreach strategy and is shown to yield more promising and favorable results in terms of finding and securing potential customers.

Discover more: How to maximize your cold calling efforts for more leads?

Tailored Cold Email Campaigns

By outsourcing to VA, your cold email campaigns are precisely crafted to align with the specific goals and objectives of your business.

To truly engage your recipients and elicit a positive response, personalization is key.

According to a recent study by the Direct Marketing Association, personalized email campaigns can generate up to 6 times higher revenue per email than non-personalized ones.

When you receive a cold email that addresses your specific needs, challenges, and interests. It shows that the sender has taken the time to understand your business intimately.

Studies show that personalized emails that resonate with recipients' unique needs and pain points have a 41% higher click-through rate than generic ones.

This demonstrates that tailored cold email campaigns, expertly crafted by VAs, not only boost response rates but also drive meaningful engagement.

Discover more: How to write a cold email to a potential client?

Consistency in Outreach

One major benefit of outsourcing cold emailing to virtual assistants is steadiness. Consistency is the key to getting more sales and the lifeblood of lead generation.

You can send 50 to 70 or more cold emails per day depending on your business and audience.

However, maintaining such consistency can be challenging for in-house teams.

VAs, on the other hand, are equipped to execute persistent reliability in cold email communications. Their dedicated focus on this task ensures that no potential leads fall through the cracks.

Discover more: Virtual Assistants vs. Employee

Adaptability and Scalability

Outsourcing cold emailing tasks to VA agencies provides flexibility to your efforts as needed.

Whether a business is in its beginning or experiencing rapid growth, a virtual assistant team can adapt to the changing demands, ensuring smooth operations.

For example, Company Y is a medium-sized e-commerce business that experiences seasonal fluctuations in customer demand.

However, maintaining a large in-house team year-round is financially impractical.

If Company Y opts for a traditional in-house approach, keep a fixed-size team throughout the year resulting in missed opportunities and potential revenue losses during peak seasons when they need to ramp up their cold email tasks to capitalize on increased market activity.

In contrast, when they collaborate with a VA team, they expand their capacity, sending out tailored cold emails to a broader audience.

A study by McKinsey & Company found that businesses that can adapt and scale their operations as needed are 1.5 times more likely to outperform their competitors.

This statistic underscores the strategic advantage that adaptability and scalability provided by outsourcing cold emailing to VAs is crucial in today’s competitive business landscape.

Discover more: Why do more and more companies choose to outsource?

A/B Testing and Optimization

Cold emailing is not only to send a concise message to your potential prospect. But it includes the A/B testing on email campaigns.

By outsourcing cold emails to service provider agencies, experts test different subject lines, email content variations, and call-to-action approaches.

They can optimize your cold emails and this data-driven approach improves your response and conversion rates.

Compliance and Anti-spam laws

With the invention of email IDs and spam filters, it’s difficult for everyone to reach their potential customers.

However, the outsourced companies are well aware of the legal laws and their best practices.

When you outsource your cold email campaigns to these service providers, they ensure that your campaigns are following these laws minimizing the risk of violating regulations related to unsolicited emails.

Metrics and Reporting

Outsourcing providers often provide detailed metrics and reporting on the performance of your cold email campaigns.

You can gain insights into open rates, click-through rates, response rates, and conversions. These analytics help you evaluate the success of your outreach efforts and make informed decisions for future campaigns.


If we conclude this blog, outsourcing cold email campaigns can bring the best in outreach like

Targeting- including both audience targeting and segmentation as well as the quality leads.

Messaging - including the subject line, personalization, pitch, CTA, value proposition, and signature.

Timing - including the sending schedule and follow-up frequency.

Remember cold emails are one strategy to gain leads and sales. You must include other touch points like cold calls, social media, and SEO.

But fear not you are in safe hands. At Vaforus, we have cold email outreach experts who have years of experience and battle-tested strategies.

Not only this we have a dynamic team of professionals that are experienced in cold calling, social media, and SEO.

You are just one message away from getting more sales and leads and growing your business.

Check our customer reviews here.