How to build an email list? Unbelievable and Easy Techniques

In this blog post, we will share the techniques to build your email lists and supercharge your email marketing efforts.

Iqra Abid

1/8/20247 min read

person holding white and blue click pen
person holding white and blue click pen

Building an email list is actually to supercharge your email marketing efforts. Because without an email list, you can’t get the fruit of your email campaigns.

You have millions of followers on Instagram and thousands of subscribers on YouTube, but if you do not have an email list you are losing big revenue.

Because your business is controlled by algorithms in any other marketing techniques like Search Engine and social media marketing.

What if Instagram stops promoting your ads and does not show your content to your target audience? You can’t do anything on its platform and you are just renting your business. But your business email list is your space to play, test, and get your results. Therefore, from the very start focus on building an email list.

So, if you are struggling to build an email list and dying to get revenue from it, this blog is for you.

Learn more: What is email marketing?

Qualities of a well-crafted email list

Before building an email list, you must know the characteristics of the finest email list.

The right type of email list would generate the desired results.

Segmented Email list

While building an email list you have to start segmenting it based on demographics, age, interests, behaviors, and buying history of the subscribers. Because it’s not worth sending birthday discount offers to all generic subscribers list.

Active Subscribers of the list

It’s easy to build an email list by offering value. But after getting that value subscribers never come back to open your emails. So, it’s crucial to point out the inactive users who do not open your emails and do not engage with your content.

Accurate email addresses

Make sure that the email addresses are valid and accurate. Remove the bounced email addresses and check them regularly.


Just like fake followers on social media platforms do not build your email list through fake ways or thinking of buying an email list.

Make sure that your list is based on subscribers that opt in willingly and always give them a choice to leave your list.

Measurable email list

If your email list has all the above-mentioned qualities then it's automatically measurable and gives you results.

However, regularly measure your key matrices like open rate, click-through rate, and conversions. In this way, you can know what you are getting from your email marketing efforts.

Now after knowing about the right kind of email list let's come to the first point.

Get registered with an email marketing service provider

First things first, before diving into any tactic of list-building, you need an email service provider and email marketing services.

Somehow, both are co-related but they are different. There are different email services out there like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo Mail, and iCloud Mail. They handle sending, receiving, and bouncing emails.

However, Email marketing service providers help you in creating email campaigns, segmenting your email list, and providing analytics. Examples of EMSPs are MailChimp, Campaigner, and Brevo.

So, for building an email list you need both, depending on the requirements of your business. What are your business goals, what’s the size of your business, and most importantly consider your budget? Look into these aspects and select the required email services.

Now is the actual part to build your email subscription list using different organic and freeways.

Create a magnet and Offer a freebie to attract your audience

When it comes to attracting visitors and converting them into your subscribers you must make them exciting and give value so that they give their email addresses.

It’s just like the exchange of goodies in this digital world. Giving them value for free will make a win-win for you.

Creating a free eBook, a free master class, and free entry in webinars make them excited that without spending any penny, they will get a solution to their problems.

Nowadays, newsletters play a vital role in building an email subscription list. Newsletters are a source of continuous value. You can include any piece of valued content in newsletters like a testimonial, industry highlight, a flash of a blog, new product and service announcements, and any FAQs.

It’s the best way to nurture your audience.

You can offer subscriptions in the form of opt-in forms on your website pages. Even if you do not have a website, you can ask or paste a link on your social media platforms to get new subscribers on your email list.

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Email list building with CTAs.

Call-to-action (CTAs) on your pop-ups and opt-in forms can be your email list builders. The simple CTA like “subscribe here”, and “signup” is now not in scope.

Different CTAs have different impacts and are designed to target different subscribers. Some of them are


Personalized CTAs on subscription pop-ups on the business website can play an effective role in growing the email list.

These are tailored according to the specific audience needs.

Here is an example of personalized CTA from Alex Cattoni, the famous marketer website.


Humor is the factor now being used by many marketers in different types of content marketing, and people quickly respond to it as they feel excitement and laughter. The Oatmeal is a comic website and showcases this approach in its Subscription CTA.


Urgency also creates a win-win situation for you in growing the email list for any business. The word ‘start’ refers to the urgency factor and most E-commerce brands use it with a limited-time discount offer.

For instance, Claim our limited-time 10% discount offer by becoming a member today.

Also, limited-time free e-book offers or lead magnets sometimes implement similar strategies to build their lists and generate lists.

For example, We are giving away the secret to building a $100M E-commerce store in our e-book here. Claim if for free before 19/12/2023

Action and benefit-oriented.

Use action verbs and benefits-focused CTAs for pop-ups on website pages to build an email list.

Slack uses it in its list-building CTA.

Here the takeaway is that your CTAs must be relevant to your business website. In the above examples, you can see that Spotify the songs app, and Slack a software-based website offer a relevant kind of popups.

There are many other kinds of CTAs like FOMO and sarcasm but all these must be used according to your audience and business. Mold them to write your CTA to get more subscribers to your list.

Learn more: Types of content marketing. What should you choose?

Pro tip for building an email list.

Although it’s not a necessary part of creating an email list, it must be considered by any of you who are reading this blog.

Prepare your email sequences even for your first subscriber. Like your introduction email, welcome email, or value-given email that tells the subscriber what excitement you are going to get from us.

Because list building is an ongoing process; never underestimate the power of even one subscriber.

Learn more: How to write an email to a potential client?

Landing pages are email list builders

It is said that the first impression is the last. Landing pages are working on it. Your landing page is actually the billboard for advertising your specific offer.

It is not like other pages of the website like the home page or product page. It is focused and optimized for conversion goals.

Your landing pages can maximize the email list building if it has the following qualities.

  • Tailored content about any specific offer

  • Optimized design for different elements like headlines, compelling CTA buttons, and clear instructions without any distractions.

  • High-quality visuals and social proofs on the landing page would also increase the probability of getting more subscribers to the email list.

You can also perform A/B testing and continuously optimize your landing pages to present your offers. However, simplicity is the key here.

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Role of Social media marketing in email list building

With meaningful content, social media is also a place for fun. Running any contests or giveaways is powerful to get more email signups.

People get engaged with your brand, give you email addresses and other contact information, and do the exact things for prizes that you want them to do.

Therefore, if you ask them that sign up for our email list and get a free eBook or discounts for new subscribers, you will see a boost in your email list

Learn more: How to increase your social media followers?

Learn more: Benefits of social media marketing.

Final Thoughts

If we conclude this blog you get the following techniques to build your desired email list that can give you more revenue.

  • Create a freebie for your audience

  • Grow your email list by creating newsletters

  • A giveaway or discount to new subscribers on social media

  • Action-driven CTAs on the pop-up and opt-in forms to get more signups

  • Targeted landing page to get the desired number of subscribers

All these are quite a deal to handle and you must keep things in a loop to grow your email list.

Experts are needed here. Imagine you buy email service providers and their premium features but are unable to generate the desired results by doing it all on your own. It’s not only a waste of money, but you end up in disappointment that will affect your business badly.

Email marketers know the techniques, tools, and strategies and have experience.

And at Vaforus, email marketing expert virtual assistants provide their expertise at the most affordable rates to get you started with your email list.

Book your free consultation here and get your free email marketing plan.