Types of content marketing. What should you choose?

In this blog post, we will share different types of content marketing and what content type you should be using for your business.

Iqra Abid

1/2/20247 min read

person writing on white paper
person writing on white paper

What is content marketing? What are its benefits and what are the stages of content marketing? You can get the answers to all these vital questions by clicking here in this complete guide.

However, today I am going to tell you about the different types of content marketing. And what content type should you choose for your business?

Any kind or any size of business should consider the following types and factors in choosing the content strategy.

What are the different types of content marketing?


Blogs are the most effective type of content marketing. They are basically text-based involving images and videos.

Web blogs are for individuals and organizations to share their thoughts, concepts, and expertise with their audience in the form of concise and engaging articles.

It’s the type of content marketing that will definitely pay you off in your content strategy.

You can get organic traffic, improve your SEO, rank on search engines, establish a relationship with your community, and build authority in your niche. The best part is to to use your audience keywords and search terms in your blogs.

By publishing the latest, high-quality blogs you can build yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

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Video content marketing

Videos are the best type of content marketing to promote your products, services, and brand to all advertising platforms. Because now almost every platform incorporates video features in it.

Instagram, Facebook reels, YouTube videos, and Tiktok are typically famous for their video-boosting characteristic.

Just like different types of blogs like infographics, and how-to guides, there are different kinds of videos like explainers, product demos, testimonials, case studies, behind-the-scenes, and live videos.

Video content is best for increasing engagement, building authority, and getting more clicks and views.

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Social media content marketing

Social media posts are teasers, mini conversations, and high-quality visuals that actually move your audience to get to the desired hub like a website's landing page, blog, or product pages.

From grandmothers to grandchildren, in this digital era, everyone is on social media. So, it's worth incorporating social media in your content marketing strategy.

You can easily get the engagement, and reach by featuring different styles in your social media content like storytelling, carousals, infographics, reels, high-quality visuals, and text posts.

It’s the type of content marketing that is accessible to over 4.6 billion users across various social media platforms. So, it’s an indispensable content marketing strategy.

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An eBook is a type of content marketing that is actually an in-depth explanation and guide to some particular topics in your industry. It's not a printed book, it's an electronic book or you can say that digitally printed book.

It is the kind of content that is basically used for generating leads or building an email list. You can offer a subscription in exchange for a free eBook that is a downloadable file.

For example, a business that sells cookware can make an eBook or a guide to select the correct and non-toxic cookware by explaining each material, its use, manufacturing, and pros and cons.

eBook is also a type of content marketing that can present you as an expert in your niche.

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This kind of content marketing usually starts after having a subscriber list. Newsletters are a continuous and regular kind of content to your subscribers to make them engaged and nurtured.

It is the finest content type to tell your audience that we are always available for you and have the solution to your problems.

The newsletter has any kind of content in it like any blog highlight, industry news, exclusive offer, expert opinion, any story related to your brand, or even a personalized message.

Newsletter helps your brand to stay on top of the minds of your audience, so whenever they decide to buy anything you’d definitely pop up in their minds.

For example, a fashion brand can send trendy dresses, the best colors of the season, sales alerts, best styling ideas, or tips in their newsletters.

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A podcast is actually an audio series of your brand. It’s the type of content marketing that is rapidly increasing. By giving deep insights, value, solutions, expert interviews, and pieces of advice, you can be represented as an expert in your niche.

The greatest thing to engage the audience in audio is to tell stories and lessons from it to build a connection, authority, and awareness of your brand.

You can invite any influencer in your podcasts related to your niche. It is the content type that is easy to listen to as there is no video streaming.


Emails are considered the king of content marketing as these are the direct and personalized source of communication with your customers or prospects.

Email marketing has now become a must-have for brands.

There are different types of emails that you can send to convert prospects into new customers or encourage existing customers to buy from you.

Promotional emails, welcome emails, cold emails, transactional emails, offers alert emails, and personalized emails; all are effective in content marketing and nurturing your audience.

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Case studies

It is the type of content marketing that showcases the evolution of a product or service, illustrating its past, highlighting how it has adapted to meet your needs, and underscoring its current success.

It’s the best way to show the improvements in your products. You can say it is a demonstration of products and how you can integrate them into your work and life.

It actually communicates the solution you are providing to your customer's problems.

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Testimonials and reviews

In true essence, testimonials and reviews are the most effective type of content marketing.

Anyone before making a purchase first check the reviews of other customers to know their satisfaction level. This content type helps the most in conversions.

Testimonials are the appreciation and experience of the customers with the brand, product, or service. It can be in any form video, image, or text message.

Reviews are also a type of testimonial but not in refined form. They are directly presented by the customer after purchasing from a brand and are available on various platforms like e-commerce websites, social media, or even in comments or DMs.

It's also in the form of ratings that customers rate any app, service, or product after their experiences.

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User-generated content

It is the type of content in digital marketing that is created and shared by your audience. It's also worth it in the eyes of your customers because humans like human interactions. And user-generated content is actually the customer interactions with brands.

It’s the most common content type nowadays as customers usually make videos and take selfies or photos with their favorite brands.

It showcases that you have a community and you do not sell, but instead create experiences.

For example, a new fashion or clothing brand can encourage their customers to share their images and videos by wearing their dresses.

The crucial thing here is you have to encourage your audience to create content for your brand.

It is a well-organized list of different types of content marketing. You may come across many other types like paid ads and infographics but all those are part of the above-mentioned list.

What factors are considered while choosing the right type of content?

After getting the knowledge of different kinds of content, it's important to know what should you choose for your business and audience.

The most interesting fact here is that any size or any type of business must include blogs in their content strategy. The information that Google provides you in the form of blogs gives you enough information and ideas on your problem or query.

In addition, if we are talking about the audience priorities, everyone is in the state of mind that if you don’t know anything just google it and solve your problem.

So, blogs must be the first priority in choosing the right type of content marketing.

Now on choosing the other types of content first look into your brand, its target audience, and your marketing goals.

For example, some people are video-hungry and love to watch videos instead of reading articles.

However, all brands have some common goals like

  • Brand awareness

  • Getting leads

  • More conversions

  • More shares on social posts

  • Drive more organic traffic to the website

So, by keeping every point in mind, you can curate the right type of content marketing for your business.
But remember the mix of a variety of content formats can work best for any kind of business.

  • Infographics in your blogs and social media posts

  • Case studies in your blogs, eBooks, and videos

  • Reviews on your social media and website

  • Link blogs or give a teaser of the new video on social media

  • Send an email about a new blog or even a new deal or launch

Let's give you a real-world example, just imagine that you have a whole new thing to share. Maybe your friend (who is a part of your target audience) just missed it in the ocean of social media posts. or maybe he didn’t get time to read your website blog, but what if he listened to your podcast on the way back home?

However, for B2B businesses text-based posts and articles are more effective than live video sessions.

In addition, different people have different preferences, if I am asking you how would you like to look for a recipe? Do you prefer to watch a video with each step performed in front of you or rather read a detailed recipe for the proper quantity of ingredients?

So what to take away?
The variety of content marketing is the solution for your business.


Choosing the right types of content and developing a content marketing strategy that is tailored or evolved according to the needs of your audience is the answer.

Because it's not about what you sell, it's about what you solve and what you offer.

And when it's about offering a solution, Vaforus will be at the top. Virtual assistants at Vaforus do not just curate your content strategy but first conduct a content audit, understand your audience, highlight your challenges, and then show their magic through their expertise in the evolving land of content marketing.

We are offering a FREE Consultation. Book your meeting here.