How to use AI in Social Media Marketing

In this blog post, we will explain how you can leverage AI to gain more exposure and reach for your brand's social media marketing.

Iqra Abid

10/27/20236 min read

laptop computer on glass-top table
laptop computer on glass-top table

Ever since ChatGPT came into the scene, everyone's talking about AI—even the mothers at home.

Before Artificial Intelligence (AI), we knew about digital buddies like Alexa and Siri, but now AI is like part of the family.

However, in the digital marketing hustle, where trends change in a blink, it's not just a smart move to stay ahead; it's a must.

So, if you're curious about diving into the world of AI and want to know how it's shaking up social media marketing, this blog is your ticket.

We're here to unwrap the magic of AI for social media. Let's explore how AI isn't just a techie term; it's changing how we do things online.

AI offers customer support for social media marketing

In the realm of digital marketing, responses to customers are crucial.

Nobody likes to wait, and social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn have incorporated AI responses, ensuring swift replies to customer queries.

When faced with common questions, these platforms prompt users to predetermine the type of response they prefer. These responses can then be saved and set to auto-send, creating a seamless and immediate interaction.

Studies show that businesses utilizing AI-powered chatbots in their social media marketing witness a significant decrease in response times.

On average, response times are slashed by 40%, meeting the growing demand for instant assistance.

AI bots, driven by machine learning, personalize interactions based on customer data, creating a tailored and engaging experience.

You can assign AI chatbots to your business website and social media platforms. AI bots can collect and retain customer data and can give them proper responses.

But make sure to check the AI responses as they are machines and lack the human touch that is paramount in today’s AI-automated world.

Learn more: Benefits of hiring a marketing virtual assistant.

Writing captions for social media posts with the help of AI

Imagine this: You're scrolling through your feed, and a post stops you in your tracks. Why? It's not just the image; it's the caption.

Writing captions with proper keywords is essential. AI can be the wizard behind such captivating social media captions.

AI analyzes the picture then tries to understand the content, and tailors’ captions to hit the right chords.

Many AI tools write captions for social media marketing like image to

But remember the free AI tools and chatgpt required proper details and information to write up to mark captions that perform well.

Take a clothing brand, for instance. Instead of a generic caption, AI crafts a message like

"Elevate your style effortlessly with our fall collection – because your wardrobe deserves a standing ovation."

It’s an AI caption that is generated by giving many details and information yet it still can be improved if you want to elevate it more.

Good captions boost engagement and make your brand stand out in the social media buzz.

Learn more: Benefits of social media marketing

Generating Visuals for social media with Generative AI

In the realm of social media marketing, creative and high-quality visuals are the backbone of your strategy.

The process of generating visuals with Generative AI involves feeding the algorithm with data and letting it autonomously create content based on the patterns it recognizes.

This can range from simple image generation to complex video creation, providing content creators with a powerful tool for diverse projects.

In the fashion industry, Prada has collaborated with AI to create an AI-generated collection.

The designs are a blend of human creativity and machine intelligence, showcasing the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in unconventional sectors.

But it’s the art of data and prompts that we give to AI to generate the required visuals. And not anyone can do this. The best solution to this is to outsource your social media marketing to virtual assistants.

They keep themselves up-to-date about the new trends in social media marketing and AI usage.

Learn more: Why should you outsource social media marketing to virtual assistants?

Generate social media hashtags with the help of AI

In the world of social media marketing, hashtags are as important as the heart of our body.

Just as the heart circulates life-giving blood, hashtags circulate our content to the audience it's meant for.

AI can help you look at what's trending, understand what people are talking about, and pick up on the phrases that click with your audience.

The cool part of your social media marketing is, that these AI-crafted hashtags aren't just catchy; they're strategically chosen to boost your search rankings.

It's not just about numbers; it's about people. AI doesn't just pick popular hashtags; it picks ones that connect with your audience.

Many online tools can generate hashtags for your social media posts. Or you can ask ChatGpt to generate hashtags on your caption or on the post you design for any social media platform.

Hashtagify and Autohash are AI-powered tools that not only generate relevant hashtags but also provide insights into their popularity and trends. These AI tool uses image recognition technology to suggest hashtags related to the content of your images.

Learn more: How to increase your social media followers?

Take ideas from AI for social media posts

Ever wondered how your favorite brands seem to nail their social media posts every time?

Well, We can bet that they are using AI in their social media marketing content strategy.

AI plays the most important role in giving ideas about social media content. It’s the most crucial part that AI performs.

AI eliminates the blank screen syndrome of marketers and copywriters.

It analyzes heaps of data to understand your audience—what they like, share, and engage with. This helps tailor your content to match their interests, ensuring your posts hit the right notes.

AI tools help you ride the wave of what's hot and happening, making your content feel fresh and current.

You can also do this manually by giving prompts and information to chatgpt.

Artificial intelligence (AI), can analyze your audience's preferences, allowing you to personalize your content.

AI is your creative companion, helping you understand your audience, stay trendy, and spark ideas that make your social media presence shine.

Learn more: How businesses can benefit from AI?

AI can write articles for social networking platforms

LinkedIn is the most effective and professional networking social media platform.

With the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI), writing concise and engaging articles to be published on LinkedIn becomes a piece of cake.

AI helps you tailor your content to what your LinkedIn connections want to see.

You have to give just the topic details, the required keywords, the target audience, and the tone of your article, and tell as if you want to add any personal opinions and facts into it.

After this, you can watch the superpowers of AI and how it leaves a lasting impression on your social media marketing content.

AI can also write the text posts of LinkedIn which is quite performing on this social media network.

Remember to remain human you have to infuse AI with the required information.

Learn more: How to keep the human touch in AI-generated content?

Take feedback from AI about your writing

We are humans and want feedback on our content, posts, and captions. Well, that's what AI does for our social media marketing tasks.

AI reads through your words and lets you know if they're clear, engaging, or need a little extra sparkle.

You can ask anything specific like grammatical errors, or spelling mistakes, and even any language whether it's American English or British English.

If you are not sure about the tone of your content. You can even ask this from AI.

It's like having a smart friend who helps write better and makes sure you enjoy what you read on digital social media platforms.

Learn more: How to increase organic reach on Instagram?

AI with Augmented Reality (AR) on social media apps

Social media marketing is an effective tool for increasing sales. You can boost your sales game on social media platforms with the dynamic duo of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR).

Picture this: your potential customers virtually trying on products through social media.People love the idea of testing before investing, and that's where AR steps in.

Now, imagine browsing through Facebook or Instagram, and there it is – the option to virtually try on that pair of sunglasses you've been eyeing.

Cool, right?

Your customers get the try-on experience right within the social media app.

By integrating AR try-ons, you're not just selling products; you're selling experiences.

And that, my friend, is a shortcut to speeding up sales and winning over more hearts (and wallets) in social media marketing.

The IKEA Place app allows users to virtually place furniture in their homes before making a purchase.

This AR feature helps customers visualize how products will fit into their living spaces.

Learn more: How social media has changed marketing?

To Wrap Up

Artificial intelligence (AI) has seamlessly integrated into our digital and social media marketing landscapes, becoming an undeniable force.

While machine languages carry a nuanced, mechanical touch, it's crucial to infuse human elements into our content when communicating with real people.

Thankfully, you don't need to invest hours in this task; virtual assistants at Vaforus are here to handle it for you.

Witness the magic of AI powered by humans in your social media marketing by clicking here.