How to Keep the Human Touch in AI-Generated Content?

In this blog post, we will discuss how cutting the fluff, adding personalized opinions, and writing AI prompts in an accurate way can add a human touch to AI-generated content.

Iqra Abid

10/15/20236 min read

the open ai logo is shown on a black background
the open ai logo is shown on a black background

Nowadays it’s a common misconception that AI-generated content doesn’t rank and get reached by algorithms.

This holds true when the content is directly copy-pasted from AI tools like ChatGPT, Grammarly, Hemingway, Writecream, and Jasper.

AI-generated content can easily make a cut with the algorithms of different platforms when you tailor it for humans.

The technology is undeniably here, and it's unrealistic for tech companies to turn a blind eye to content crafted by AI.

For any type of writing using AI is becoming the norm. But how to keep the human touch in AI-generated content? That’s the real challenge.

It’s an art and today we are going to discover those techniques and formulas through which we can easily humanize the AI content.

Knowing the importance of human touch in AI content is crucial. Let’s dive into it together.

Why is it important to add a human touch to AI content?

Humanizing AI content is vital because it bridges the gap between technology and human experience.

In a world increasingly dominated by automation and artificial intelligence, infusing a human touch into AI-generated content creates a relatable and engaging connection with the audience.

Humans crave connection and authenticity. It's not just about disseminating information; it's about fostering understanding.

Adding a human touch to AI content, whether for your business, brand, professional, or academic writings, can evoke emotions, elicit empathy, and captivate attention in a way that purely factual content may struggle to achieve.

As we navigate an era where technology plays an ever-expanding role, the ability to inject humanity into AI content ensures that innovation aligns with the core of what makes us human.


Research is the first and crucial part of humanizing AI content. Ensuring the quality of AI-generated content requires strategic investigation.

To leverage the power of AI for your brand and business effectively, start by researching top-performing blogs, sales funnels, and social media content in your niche.

Analyze the key elements that make them successful. You can ask AI tools to analyze these elements like keywords, clarity, and formula of top content.

For example, when crafting your blog, tap into AI's ability to dig out keywords, phrases, and their frequency from the top 5 to 10 blogs related to your topic.

This includes observing 1, 2, and 3-word combos and keywords. Once you've got this keyword treasure trove, mold your blog's structure and content to align with your vision.

It's like letting the insights from top-performing blogs guide your content journey. Give it a shot and see your ideas come to life!

Similarly research the trending sales funnel and social media content that is performing well and then write an AI prompt once you get the idea.

Research is the basic element in humanizing AI content. For writing any piece of content research is 60 %, writing is 10%, and editing/proofreading is 30%.

The best part is, in this digital business world, online virtual assistants are readily available to write your humanized content by doing proper research. Don’t waste your time on this crucial and lengthy task.

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The right prompts to generate human content

When crafting your instructions for AI to get the humanized content, be explicit about your vision and content quality expectations.

It’s not like you ask AI to write the article or sales funnel on X topic and you will get the desired outcome.

To give a human touch to your content give the proper details to AI. Break down your structure, detailing the type of content you want under each H1, and H2 heading.

Provide guidance on tone, style, and the human touch you desire.

Consider this for crafting social media posts. Start by instructing AI on tone, brand voice, style, word count, and desired hook type—negative, denial, positive, or story.

Provide details for the hook and then request a post supporting it. Specify key points to incorporate.

This method ensures your content not only aligns with your brand but also carries a human touch that resonates with your audience. It's a tailored approach to creating posts and captions that captivate and connect.

Test and try your prompts or instructions, so that you will get to know which prompt produces the best outcome.

Remember, AI tools are nuanced; they respond well to precise instructions.

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Add relevant facts and stats to keep the human touch

Humanize your AI-generated content with relevant facts and stats. Incorporate data in AI-generated content that adds credibility and authority to your narrative. This not only enhances your SEO standing but also builds trust with your audience.

Facts and numbers have more impact on human brains. Including factual information and statistical data in AI-generated content provides tangible evidence to support your claims.

When your content is enriched with authoritative information, it positions you as an expert in your field and establishes your authority.

By incorporating relevant facts and stats, you not only keep the human touch in your AI content but also enhance the overall quality, signaling to algorithms that your material is valuable and informative.

For example, by writing that “Almost everyone uses social media these days”,

instead write “59.9% of the world’s population uses social media in 2023”. And then double-check your facts from Google.

The Role of Headings and Subheadings to keep the human element

Headings and subheadings play a crucial role in guiding readers through the content.

They break down information into digestible chunks, aiding readability. Proper formatting contributes to both SEO and reader engagement.

Add the relevant keywords in your headings, meta titles, and subheadings for optimization and edible content.

Cut the fluff

Conciseness is the most important part of sprinkling the human touch into AI-generated content.

Cutting the fluff means scratching the extra info and words that make your content boring.

Briefness and conciseness are not merely about saying less; they're about saying more with fewer words, capturing attention, and leaving a lasting impact.

Long lengthy details are not engaging and liked by readers. They are here to find the solution to their problems not to read the thesis. So, try to give them their answer concisely and engagingly.

It decreases your bounce rate or your content is liked by algorithms.

I have a simple formula for this

Engage ----> Solve------>Done

Their time matters.

Consider a reader searching for a recipe. A concise article providing clear steps, accompanied by images, is more likely to keep the reader engaged than a lengthy discourse on the history of the dish.

Therefore, by eliminating the extra information that looks redundant and the same as explained earlier, you can make the AI content more human-like and engaging.

Learn more about How to increase your organic reach.

Add your personal opinions to AI-generated content

As a content writer, you must have depth of opinions and knowledge to share with your audience.

Add your point or opinion to AI content. This naturally adds a human touch to AI-generated content. It's not just about conveying information but also sharing insights and opinions.

You can ask AI to fit this piece of information in your content the right way where it can be adjusted.

As a content curator, it's crucial to strike a balance. Too much opinion without substance can be off-putting, but a well-placed personal touch can turn a dry topic into a captivating read.

Sharing personal opinions creates that human connection, fostering a sense of authenticity and trust.

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The Power of Human Touch in the Sales Process

The sales process of any business must require a human touch. Beyond algorithms and AI automated systems, it's genuine connections, empathy, and personalization that set outstanding sales experiences apart.

Nothing beats the clarity and nuance of human communication. AI tools cannot build relationships and have personalized language.

Sales funnels, cold emails, and cold scripts especially required a personalized approach and human elements.

So never depend on AI tools for sales content. Get the perspective, feedback, ideas, and big marketer examples from the AI. Then write it by humans and for humans.

It's about more than closing deals; it's about creating meaningful connections that resonate with customers, fostering loyalty, and propelling your sales strategy to new heights.

Discover more: How to write a cold email to a potential client?

Asking Questions for human touch and Engagement

For adding a human touch to AI-generated content, verbal questions emerge as a dynamic tool for elevating reader engagement and interaction.

Firstly, the art of incorporating rhetorical questions involves more than mere punctuation. It's about creating a conversational rhythm that invites readers into a mental dialogue.

You can give instructions to the AI tools to write your content in conversational mode or you can add your stylistic questions to the AI-generated content to make it like humans.

These questions aren't designed to be answered directly; rather they serve as prompts that ignite the reader's own reflections.

For example, in writing about fitness content, instead of stating,

"Achieve your fitness goals," phrase it as, "Are you ready to achieve your fitness goals? What is your next milestone?"

These questions spark a mental dialogue, drawing readers into a personalized reflection on their fitness aspirations.

This interactive element transforms humans into an active mental engagement, deepening the reader's connection to the content.


In essence, your journey to content excellence lies in the balance between AI-generated efficiency and the irreplaceable warmth of human connection.

You pave the way for content that not only thrives but resonates deeply with your audience by infusing your instructions with

  • Strategic keywords

  • Personal opinions

  • Stats and facts

  • Collaborative vision

  • Personalization

  • And by cutting the extra information for better engagement.

So, if you want to excel in the AI-driven landscape, connect with Vaforus.

Our human virtual assistants, powered by AI, streamline processes. Learning the right prompts, testing them, and crafting human-friendly prompts take time;

Let Vaforus handle it, freeing your energy for core business tasks.

Just click here to schedule a meeting.