How to increase your organic reach?

In this blog post, we will cover the top tips and strategies to help you increase your organic reach on online platforms.

Iqra Abid

7/31/20237 min read

Organic reach refers to the number of people who come across your content without any paid promotions or advertising. Increasing your organic reach is very hard if you don’t know the right way. Because it has already declined.

According to research by Buffer, there has been an estimated 50% decline in organic reach on social media platforms in the past two years.

And it’s not behind the curtains that almost every social platform promotes sponsored or paid advertisements, after all, these platforms are businesses and want to earn money.

That’s why many businesses underestimate the power of the organic reach of their content.

But you know what, behind every paid campaign there is consistent and high-quality content posting.

Organic posts serve as the backbone of every paid campaign, laying the groundwork for success and fostering a genuine connection with your audience. So, leveraging the organic reach in the right way to gain conversions and leads is very important in 2024.

Today we are going to reveal top tips to uncover this question How to increase your organic reach on different platforms?

1. Empower best practices for every platform

Increasing organic reach doesn’t mean that you start making efforts on all platforms and soon be burned out. Your audience may not be active everywhere. So why waste energy?

Focus on the platforms that align with your business objectives and its audience. To increase organic reach, your content needs to be optimized with the platform and audience.

For instance, for foodies and culinary enthusiasts, platforms like Instagram and TikTok are ideal. Share mouthwatering food images and create short, visually engaging recipe videos. If you're targeting tech-savvy individuals or a B2B company, platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn are essential.

Customizing your content for each platform is crucial for better engagement and increased organic reach. Write your content with the essential keywords and provide value to your audience. Leverage social media features like hashtags, geotags, people tags, and shopping tags to boost the organic reach of your content.

Recommended: How to increase organic reach on Instagram?

2. Create immortal content for organic reach

Creating immortal content for any platform is the foundation of increasing organic reach.

Studies show that content marketing generates 3X more leads than traditional outbound marketing methods, making it an indispensable tool in increasing organic reach.

Even in dull industries, there are ways to infuse creativity and captivate your audience through consistent organic content.

  • Sharing educational and humorous content.

  • Solving common and persistent problems in your field.

  • Emotions like humor, shock, and awe are excellent targets for evergreen content that can increase your organic reach.

Moreover, expert virtual assistants are available online that can create all types of content for your business on demand. You can increase the organic reach on platforms like Instagram and Google without breaking the bank.

Related: How virtual assistants help you in content writing?
Learn more: Why should you outsource social media marketing to virtual assistants?

Maximize reach by posting during slow hours

Another misconception is that posting during peak hours can increase your organic reach when everyone is online. Instead, posting during slow hours, when most users are less active, can be a strategic move to stand out and capture attention.

During slow hours you can seize the opportunity to deliver high-impact posts and surprise your audience with unexpected gems.

The peak hours for social media platforms can vary based on your target audience's location and time zone. To get the best out of the platforms, a mix of slow plus peak hours posting can increase the organic reach.

However, generally speaking, here are some insights into peak hours for different platforms in the United States:


Weekdays: Between 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, with a slight spike around 12:00 PM.

Weekends: On Saturdays and Sundays, between 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.


Weekdays: peak hours around 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

Weekends: Engagement on weekends tends to be consistent throughout the day, with slightly higher activity from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM.


Weekdays: LinkedIn is a professional platform, and users are most active during working hours.

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3. Hashtags increase the organic reach

One of the basic tactics to increase organic reach on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn is Hashtags. You can significantly upsurge your content's visibility.

Do proper research and use relevant hashtags that resonate with your audience and industry. Avoid overusing and focus on quality over quantity.

To increase the organic reach, you can check your analytics on how much organic traffic you targeted from your hashtags. This way you can utilize them the right way.

According to Hootsuite, Instagram posts with hashtags have an average of 12.6% more engagement than posts without them.

LinkedIn posts with hashtags can increase post views by up to 29%. (Source: LinkedIn)

Examples of Hashtag Usage:

A restaurant features its special dishes every Friday, utilizing the hashtag #FoodieFridays.

A tech company provides helpful tips and tutorials on their products, accompanied by the hashtag #TechTips.

Similarly, different businesses can use hashtags according to their targets.

Learn more: How to increase your social media followers.

4. Consistency is the key to boosting organic reach

Increasing organic reach means how consistent you are in your efforts. When you consistently deliver valuable and relevant content, your audience takes notice, building trust and loyalty with your brand.

This trust lays the groundwork for increased organic reach, as satisfied followers become your biggest advocates, and always have you in top-of-minds whenever they want to buy.

The journey from follower to loyal customer becomes smoother when they see your commitment to delivering value consistently.

Moreover, consistent, relevant, and updated content increases organic reach and traffic, and builds credibility to search engines that your website is an authoritative source.

On average, post at least 2-3 blogs per week to grow your organic reach. But remember, in increasing organic reach quality always wins over quantity. So always focus on quality content.

Recommended: How often should you update your content in 2024?
A must-read: How to write a good SEO blog?

5. Power of SEO in Increasing Organic Reach

SEO does not sleep. You can increase your organic traffic all day and every day. As users actively search for products, services, or information you provide, you can increase your organic reach with the magical abilities of SEO.

By using the right targeted keywords, meta tags, and optimized content, you improve your chances of ranking higher in search results.

For instance, a website that appears on the first page of Google results receives around 91.5% of organic traffic, while those on the second page receive only 4.8% of the clicks.

And the best part is, in the world of the internet you can easily find virtual assistants for SEO. But the crucial part is to find the right and skilled virtual assistants that tailor their skills according to your needs. So do your proper research and identify your needs.

Recommended: Best Virtual Assistant Services of 2024.
Discover more: Why should you hire an SEO virtual assistant?

6. Personalize Engagement with your audience

To increase the organic reach the best way is to engage with your audience. And to increase engagement the best way is to ask a question. Talk to your customers about what you want to hear from them. It will make you aware of the problems interests and desires of your audience.

For example, Fitbit challenged its followers to reply with their daily step count and fitness goals. Fitbit's wellness experts then offered personalized workout plans and healthy lifestyle tips. The tweet gained momentum, accumulating over 1.7K responses and 3K likes.

If you properly engage with your followers and reply to their comments, you can create a strong reputation and your followers are genuinely interested in your business. Giving value is the key to increasing your engagement and organic traffic.

7. Know the algorithms.

Algorithms play a pivotal role in increasing organic reach. These mathematical codes, meticulously sort through millions of posts to present each user with content tailored to their preferences.

While using social platforms, have you ever noticed when you engage with posts by liking or clicking them, the platform takes note and begins showing you more relevant content?

Initially, your posts are displayed to a smaller audience, around 5% of your followers. If this smaller group engages with your post, the platform recognizes its relevance and gradually increases its reach.

Now, here's where the true magic happens. As your content reaches a larger audience, it has the potential to spark even more engagement, creating a delightful cycle of organic growth. Engagement is basically likes, comments, or shares of your followers.

Similarly, for your blog posts and organic website traffic, search engines like Google have their own algorithm. By knowing these algorithms, you can increase the organic reach and impressions of your website that has some basic priorities like user-friendly content, keywords enriched not stuffed blog, and high-quality data.

When you understand how algorithms work you'll see a magical increase in your organic reach.

8. Tagging and collaborating with influencers.

Collaborating with influencers can boost your organic reach by leveraging their established audience and engaging content. When influencers endorse your brand, their followers take notice, expanding your visibility to a wider audience.

For example, a fitness influencer partnering with a supplement company can introduce the brand to thousands of health-conscious individuals who might not have discovered it otherwise.

According to a study by Mediakix, 80% of marketers found influencer marketing to be effective in driving sales and conversions.

Influencers bring their unique storytelling and creative flair to your brand's content.

By strategically partnering with influencers, you harness their power to increase your organic reach, enhance engagement, and drive conversions, propelling your brand to new heights of success.

But influencer marketing is somehow a paid type of marketing. You can use tagging to other brands' accounts that match your business. Also, you can tag your customer's stories that are using your products and services. Share their content on your profile. People believe more in user-generated content as compared to traditionally designed content.

9. Optimizing each platform for organic growth

In the fast-paced digital realm, a slow-loading website can sabotage your organic reach and drive away potential visitors. Compress images, enable browser caching, and partner with a reliable hosting provider to ensure seamless user experiences and optimize your website's performance.

Moreover, like search engine algorithms, social media platforms thrive on well-optimized profiles. Fine-tune every aspect of your social media presence for maximum reach.

To increase organic reach link your website to your social media profiles. Craft an easy-to-remember username, use a recognizable photo or brand logo, and infuse keyword-rich yet natural descriptions.

Each post you share should be strategically optimized too. From selecting the right images to incorporating targeted keywords and compelling call-to-actions, align your content with your audience's preferences across all social media platforms.

Final thoughts

In this fast-paced digital era, enhancing your online presence is the key to unlocking success and expanding your organic reach.

As a busy business owner or entrepreneur, the process of optimizing both your website and social media may seem daunting. And of course, required a lot of time to analyze the aspects of every bit.

But fear not, there's a solution…

Vaforus is a trusted virtual assistant company. With their expertise in increasing organic reach, they'll efficiently handle website optimizations, social media strategies, and more, leaving you free to focus on growing your business.

Reach out to Vaforus today and watch as your brand's organic reach soars to new heights. Get in touch by scheduling a meeting now and pave the way to a thriving and prominent online presence!