Why should you hire an SEO virtual assistant?

In this blog post, we will share why should you hire a virtual assistant for SEO. How you can benefit from a virtual assistant and improve your website's organic reach.

Iqra Abid

2/10/20244 min read

person using macbook air on brown wooden table
person using macbook air on brown wooden table

In a world where time is money and innovation is the heartbeat of your digital success, the role of a virtual assistant is vital and can surpass traditional employment models.

In the world of the internet, any business owner or entrepreneur first thinks to open his or her brand online. The trend of online shopping has become more common than buying from a shop. So, it does not make sense that you hire an in-house employee for your online SEO game.

The smartest choice here is to hire an expert virtual assistant for SEO.

But why should you hire an SEO virtual assistant? What tasks they can perform? What benefits you can get from your SEO VA? Today I am going to remove the curtains from these questions.

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Why hire an SEO virtual assistant when you can do this yourself?

I bet that this question arises in everyone’s mind that it’s just a piece of writing, I can do this myself. Or maybe you write one or two articles with the help of AI and ChatGpt.

But you know what?

After some time you will get exhausted as your blogs will not rank or to rank them higher you need to do complete research, competitor analysis, SEO tools, Google algorithms, and many more.

Although AI tools are now a part of the game, algorithms easily sniff the AI and will punish you for copy-pasting or editing with AI detection tools.

So dear whether it’s the start of your journey or the peak of your destination you need a virtual assistant for SEO that will continuously handle the intricacies of Google algorithms and humanize the AI content.

A must-read: How to humanize the AI-generated content?
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What can an SEO expert virtual assistant do for your online presence?

Keyword research and optimization

SEO is not as simple as anyone thinks. It starts with research and ends with many technicalities that only experts can handle.

Keywords are the golden nuggets of your website’s organic traffic. Without placing them strategically you can not optimize your content for SEO. Virtual assistants’ experts in SEO, not only find the most suited keywords for your website but also use them strategically in the content that makes you rank higher.

Learn more: How to write an SEO-friendly blog?

Content writing

Hiring an SEO virtual assistant is not about blog writing. He or she can write other website stuff like landing pages, reviews, and about us portions. And most importantly write in a user-friendly style and search engine friendly.  They know how to make the audience come back for more.

Learn more: How can a virtual assistant help you in content writing?

On-page, Off-page, and Technical SEO

Hiring an SEO virtual assistant means now you are free and relaxed to do your business tasks.

All three types of SEO now can be conducted by this pro including writing high-quality and non-AI content, using internal links, and building backlinks by outreach.

Technical SEO is often overlooked part by many businesses but the experts know that without handling the technical stuff of a website you can’t rank on search engines.

Learn more: What is SEO in Digital Marketing?

Analyse website data

Analyzing and tracking are equally important as writing new SEO content. Without evaluating the results, it’s just like aiming blindly.

Hiring an SEO virtual assistant smooths tracking the performance such as the increase or decrease in organic traffic and measuring the fluctuations using advanced SEO tools.

SEO virtual assistants also provide the additional service of SEO audit of the website which is just like the proper check-up by the doctor and then diagnose a syndrome.

A must-read: How to perform an SEO audit?

Content marketing

By creating the strategy to implementing it, the SEO virtual assistant is an expert in content marketing. They can enhance the website’s visibility and engagement by creating an effective content marketing strategy.

Learn more: What is content marketing?
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Social media marketing

Writing optimized captions and bios by integrating the website’s link into social media, expert SEO virtual assistants can significantly boost your website's traffic and social media follower base.

Virtual assistants empower businesses to make informed decisions, ultimately contributing to sustained growth in the competitive online landscape.

Hiring a virtual assistant for SEO isn't just about convenience; it's about strategic decision-making.

Learn more: Why should you outsource social media tasks to virtual assistants?

Benefits of hiring an SEO virtual assistant

  • SEO VAs can save you more time for your business tasks.

  • Hiring an SEO virtual assistant is a pocket-friendly choice. They bring the expertise without breaking the bank.

  • SEO VAs are Guaranteed expertise and specialization in comparison to in-house employees who usually work in a monotonous type of environment. The virtual assistant has diverse experience as they work with different industries.

  • If you want a flexible work ethic that you can increase or decrease the work hours according to your business needs, then hire an SEO virtual assistant. They are flexible in doing their jobs. In case of emergency, they are usually available.

  • These online pros can provide you assistance agreeing to your specified time with short- and long-term projects.

Relevant: Benefits of hiring a marketing virtual assistant for your business.

Hiring the Right SEO Virtual Assistant

What to look for in the virtual assistant during hiring? In other words what qualities an SEO virtual assistant must possess?

Skills and Qualifications

Look for virtual assistants with a solid understanding of SEO concepts, including keyword research, link building, and analytics.

Experience and Track Record

A proven track record of success is a strong indicator of a virtual assistant's capabilities. Check for client testimonials and case studies. Or even you can hire a fresh VA by interviewing about his or her skills and qualifications. Because fresh minds can easily adapt to the workings of any environment.

Communication Skills

Effective communication is key to a successful virtual collaboration. Hire an SEO virtual assistant who can articulate ideas clearly.


Hiring an SEO virtual assistant becomes a breeze if you know what benefits you can get from them and what tasks they can perform for you. Because it’s not just about writing SEO-friendly blogs. There is much more to the picture.

To paint the complete canvas of the SEO game, virtual assistants at Vaforus are pros at it. They are a complete package to anyone’s SEO battle. The unbelievable benefits you will get from them are

  • Build backlinks

  • Keywords research

  • Write any type of content

  • Can perform the SEO audit

  • Social media integration into the website

  • Monitor the technicalities of your website

Last but not least, increases your organic traffic and can get you more leads.

You are just a click away from your thriving online presence. Book your free consultation with us Now!