How to Write a Good SEO Blog? (10 Unique Ways to get ranked)

In this blog post, We will guide you on how to write a good SEO blog that gets ranked on Google. You will explore the main ranking factors of a blog and key steps that are crucial in writing blog posts for SEO.

Iqra Abid

1/27/20248 min read

Seeing your blog post on the first page of Google warms you more than any coffee ever could. But this ranking blog post is not just a piece of random writing.

From a blank screen and blinking cursor to SEO-friendly and high-quality content that helps your audience and Google rank it on the first page is an exciting journey.

Today in this article, I will guide you on how to write a good SEO blog that gets ranked on Google. You will explore the main ranking factors of a blog and key steps that are crucial in writing blog posts for SEO.

But before digging deep, let's know something about Google, that will be shocking.

Behind-the-scenes of Google; initial knowledge for any good SEO blog

Google is a search engine or you can say a library of information. Its mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

On average, almost 600 million blog posts are published per day globally. But only the 10 get ranked on the first page of Google.

That means Google has mechanisms called algorithms that sort out high-quality SEO-friendly blogs and present them to your plate.

Google's ranking algorithms consider keywords, content quality, and user experience to deliver the most relevant results. These algorithms promote authoritative and user-friendly pages while taking into consideration personal preferences and geography.

It's not like you published your SEO-friendly blog today and started looking for it on the first page right after a few hours. If this happens, then it will be a volatile result, or maybe your site is highly authoritative in the world of the internet.

Usually, new website blogs do not get ranked quickly despite the good SEO and quality content. And that’s the sand effect of Google.

For SEO blog writers, knowing about the sandbox effect is very important.

Google actually surpassed new website content. The sandbox effect is believed to be a part of Google's algorithm designed to filter out spammy or low-quality websites. This delay in ranking allows Google to assess the credibility and quality of the new site before granting it higher visibility in search results.

However, the overall goal is to ensure that users receive accurate and helpful information, hence improving their overall search experience.

While for ranking an SEO-friendly blog there are also other crucial things like off-page SEO and technical SEO but today, we will help the SEO Content writers with On-page SEO techniques that how they can improve their SEO writing.

A must-read: SEO Best Practices; 9 effective go-to techniques.

What could be the ranking factors for an SEO blog?

If we extract the top 7 factors on which a well-written SEO blog ranks, they are like

1- High-quality content. And quality is actually when the user is satisfied with your blog post.

2- Add Relevant keywords in the whole blog like in headings, titles, and paragraphs.

3- Having Backlinks. They are links from other authoritative websites that will boost your visibility in the eyes of Google. You can manually get this backlink if you prefer high-quality content and provide something new to your audience.

4- A good SEO blog must be user-friendly. Loading speed, mobile responsiveness, and the user-friendly structure of the blog are the factors for a good user experience.

Blog should be in flow, it's not like you write a high-quality SEO blog but your structure is complex and users get distracted and confused.

It will increase your bounce rate (the user opens your blog and after a few seconds, they close it and open another blog).

The amount of time users spend on your page (dwell time) can be an indicator of content quality. Longer dwell times may positively impact your rankings.

5- Internal linking is another must-have of writing an SEO-friendly blog and it's as important as oxygen to us. Linking to other relevant pages of your website within your blog helps distribute authority and enhances the overall structure of your site.

Not only do users get the whole information but Google also prioritizes your content by considering it as a complete resource for any topic.

6- Content Freshness is now as important as publishing new content on websites. Regularly updating your blog with fresh content signals to Google that your site is active and relevant.

7- Well-crafted meta titles and descriptions with relevant keywords can improve click-through rates and contribute to better rankings.

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Steps for writing an SEO-friendly blog.

Keyword research

An SEO-friendly blog requires deep keyword research and it’s the initial and time-consuming phase of SEO content writing.

Remember every website blog has a different approach to researching and implementing keywords. Websites with high domain authority can rank easily even without executing a good SEO approach as they are authoritative.

Thus, if you have domain authority less than 37 then dig into the keywords implementation strategy of those website blogs that are less authoritative and still ranking.

There are so many tools available in the market that easily do this keyword research. However, at the beginning of your SEO writing career, it is obvious that you can only use free tools.

However, instead of writing a guide on the tool for keyword research, I will provide you with an economical formula for SEO beginner writers.

With AI in action, you can conduct any website blog keyword analysis. You can give any high-ranking SEO blog URL to an AI tool like ChatGPT and Bard, and ask them to extract the keywords related to the blog topic.

To get a proper table of keywords, frequency, and relevance write a prompt like this

Create the table that does the following. Extract the top 50 keywords including 1, 2, and 3-word phrases. Give them a relevance score based on the core idea of [blog topic/or your keyword] and how many times the keyword phrase is mentioned (frequency). Here is the link to extract keywords [paste the URL link of the blog that you want to analyze]

With free tools like ahrefs and Google Keyword Planner, you can check the keyword's difficulty, relevant keyword ideas, and the competition for that keyword.

In addition, you can also get help from AI tools to write your blog in a high-quality SEO-optimized style. But this also requires techniques because AI-detected content can cause troubles for your blog. So, read this article to keep the human touch in your blogs.

In SEO blog writing, always use the key keywords with low or medium difficulty levels. Use your primary keyword for every 100 words in your blog and incorporate secondary keywords in all paragraphs.

In addition, use the synonyms of your keywords. Synonyms will help to remove the overstuffing of keywords and keep your blog natural.

Search intent

Before start writing a blog for SEO, get to know about the search intent of your keyword or topic. Search intent is the phrases or keywords searched by the users.

From Google’s first page blogs, you can get to know what is the search intent of your topic. That means the blog titles and topics that appear on the first page are actually the search intent of users. Your blog's search intent may be informative, commercial, and transactional.

For more details and a proper guide on search intent, must read this article.

Structure/Outline of your blog.

A well-written SEO blog must have a decent structure.

For writing a good SEO blog, when you do your keyword research you are halfway to your outline. Outline is having a structure of your headings that you want to integrate into your blog.

It’s pretty simple, just have a look.

H1 Meta title
H3 [1]
H3 [2]
H5 Conclusion

You can also check the outline of top-ranking blogs and replicate those.

Remember when designing your blog outline, write your primary and secondary keywords under each heading so you will stick to the plan to incorporate the keywords for this number of times in each heading. Make your structure like this

H1 meta title
[Primary keyword in first 100 words]

H2 something about the topic
[primary keyword name]
[Secondary keyword name]

[Primary keyword name]
[Secondary keywords name]

In this way, you can easily write an SEO-friendly blog for your website. Also, try to optimize the headings of the blog. That means using primary keywords or the synonyms of keywords in your headings.

An SEO-optimized structure signals the importance of different sections and helps search engines understand the structure of your blog.

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SEO-friendly Meta titles and descriptions.

For writing any good SEO blog you need a catchy and SEO-optimized title. Consider your blog titles as the book cover that the reader will first hook by the cover or title of the book. It's what people see first, so it needs to be clear, concise, and enticing.

Example: The Ultimate Guide to SEO Blog Posts [10 Secrets for Ranking High]

You can see in this example we add brackets, numbers, and curiosity high words like ‘secret’ to make the reader click it. So, try to incorporate these elements in your meta titles.

However, ‘how to’ meta titles are another approach to give the reader a detailed preview.

Now if we talk about writing meta descriptions of any SEO blog, consider it the backside book plot. That gives a brief and enticing summary of the book.

Your blog’s description is actually an enticing summary for the readers and must be SEO-optimized for the algorithms.

Although meta titles and descriptions do not incorporate so much in SEO boosting, instead, they increase the click-through rate of your SEO blog.

The more clicks more the credibility of your blog is in Google's eye. Meta titles should be around 50 to 60 characters while meta descriptions should be between 150 to 160 characters.

But as it's clear, you have to write an SEO blog for audience and algorithms too. However, the main focus must always be the humans. Write for your audience.

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Interlinking and external linking.

When you read a book you can feel that all the chapters are interlinked. Similarly, a well-written SEO blog must give a feel that other chapters are linked to it.

Let's not overcomplicate the things. When discussing a specific topic in one blog post, link to other posts that dive deeper into specific aspects of that topic. This helps readers explore further and find relevant information easily.

You can also see the interlinks in this blog. Interlinking can boost your SEO. It's just like clustering.

That means you have multiple information and blog posts on one keyword or topic Interlinking shows a clear hierarchy of information and helps search engines understand how your content relates to each other, potentially boosting your overall ranking.

You can also link your blog to any external link outside of your website. It also helps algorithms to understand the keywords and topic of your blog which can help you in ranking.

It also provides true value to the reader that you find this external link useful and direct your audience to it. And it also helps you to build relations with other bloggers.

Use both types of linking strategically and thoughtfully to create a valuable and well-connected SEO blog post.

User-friendly designs can boost your SEO

For writing a good SEO blog it's necessary to make it on the go. Mobile-friendly designs and structures increase the readability and visibility of any SEO blog.

Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its search results. A good mobile design ensures your content is readable, navigable, and enjoyable on small screens.

Make sure to use clear fonts, and avoid cluttered layouts and unnecessary images. Keep your blog simple. Optimize your images and ensure your blog loads quickly. Use mobile testing tools and actually try reading your blog on different devices. 

Although the website hosting providers automatically provide this responsiveness and user-friendly designs.

However, what you do is to keep your paragraphs short and have breaks in your structure. Readers lose interest in essay-type long writings without any twists or breaks.

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Writing a good SEO-optimized blog requires research, technical optimization, and strategy. After that, it's not like simple academic writing. It includes keywords, links, images, and quality content.

Remember, SEO is an ongoing process, so be patient, stay consistent, and keep learning. As you refine your content creation and optimization strategies, you'll gradually see your blog climb the search engine rankings and reach a wider audience.

At Vaforus, we have a team of expert virtual assistants who are skilled in crafting high-quality, SEO-optimized blog content. We can help you with:

  • Topic research

  • Website audit

  • Keyword research and optimization

  • Content creation and editing

With our assistance, you can free up your time to focus on other aspects of your business while knowing that your blog is in good hands.

Contact us today to learn more about our SEO blog writing services and how we can help you achieve your blogging goals.