Cold emails for backlinks. Proven Techniques of Link Building.

Cold emails could be one great way to build connections and generate backlinks for your website. In this blog, we will share the 7 most effective link-building techniques from cold email outreach.

Iqra Abid

1/21/20245 min read

grey metal chain on white background
grey metal chain on white background

Your website content and blogs are well-written, high quality, SEO Optimized, insightful, and in simple terms, a goldmine. But the paradox you’ve faced is not getting ranked on search engines. What do you think that what’s missing?

My friend, remember you can’t hit the top ranking without backlinks. That means you are also leaving behind the off-page SEO backlinking.

A backlink is actually a hyperlink on the websites that directs the users to your sites when they click that hypertext. In addition, link building is getting hyperlinks from other websites, and these links are of significant importance.

Among various factors of link-building cold emails stand imperative. This blog will cover the 7 most effective link-building techniques from cold email outreach. 

How do cold emails work as backlinks builder?

Cold emailing is the digital marketing strategy to generate leads. However, for SEO, cold email outreach is a link-building technique through which you target website owners, bloggers, industry giants, and influencers.

You send them cold emails or in other terms send a personal message and ask for collaboration. The collaboration is in the form of guest posts and to get a backlink that will increase your website’s search engine ranking.

Cold emails for backlinks are the finest technique. On average, a well-crafted cold email campaign for backlinks can yield a success rate ranging from 5% to 20%

Must read: How to increase your cold email response rate?

Before crafting a cold email for backlinks.

Cold emails for backlinks require proper research. Before starting to write a cold email, first research your prospect and target websites.

Check the relevance of the websites that best suit your niche and readership. Choose the websites that are authoritative to receive your link request.

Check the domain authority, primary keyword, and extensive traffic of the website. Google prioritizes links from established sites.

For building links from cold email outreach, the most focused part is the content pages that directly relate to your keyword and website. Matching offerings improve the chances of acceptance.

Cold email outreach for backlinks needs a goal to achieve. And most important thing is that you should be clear about your objective.

What do you want from your cold email outreach?

A guest post? A backlink? A skyscraper technique?

Important: Do cold Emails work?

Personalized cold emails for backlinks

In today’s battle of content marketing, where a stack of content types is available online, personalized content in any form will make a win-win situation for you.

Similarly, cold emails for backlinks must need a personalized touch to get conversions. Generic emails get tossed faster than you imagined.

If you want to look bespoke then do your research on the target website, engage with their content, and find genuine common ground.

In your cold email for getting a backlink, mention a specific article that resonated with you, a challenge they addressed that your content tackles, or even a quirky shared interest (cat videos, anyone?).

This personalized touch shows you're not just another link beggar, but a potential collaborator.

Learn more: How to write a cold email to potential clients.

The value proposition must be clear in cold emails.

For getting a backlink from your cold email outreach, your value proposition must be clear and easy to digest. If you want a backlink then the target website must also want high-quality SEO-optimized content from you.

And for giving a quality offer, must check that your content marketing has the following qualities?

  • Is your content truly valuable and insightful? 

  • Would it genuinely benefit the recipient's audience?

  • Ensure your content outshines their existing resources.

  • Does your content offer a fresh perspective or address a gap not covered by their site? 

By considering these elements you can offer a genuine value and in return get a backlink.

Key spot: Why should you outsource cold emailing tasks to a virtual assistant?

Verify email addresses before crafting cold emails for backlinks

Sending cold emails for backlinks is not like crafting emails one by one for your entire email list.

You'll need to check that the email addresses you’ve collected for targeting a website owner are correct or existent.

The primary goal is to generate backlinks for your website through the strategic and targeted communication involved in cold emailing.

If you want your cold emailing efforts to get you backlinks and do not want to waste resources, then check the authentication of email addresses and monitor them actively.

People change jobs, switch email providers, and sometimes just abandon their old email addresses altogether. 

In addition, a simple typing mistake in an email address can mean the difference between landing in someone's inbox and their spam folder. 

Spam traps are fake email addresses set up by email providers to catch spammers. Landing on a spam trap list can seriously damage your sender's reputation and badly affect the cold email outreach for backlinks.

By ensuring the validity of your email contacts, you increase the chances of your cold email campaign reaching the intended recipients and potentially securing valuable backlinks for your website.

A must-read: How to build an email list? Unbelievable Techniques

CTAs and subject lines can actually get the backlinks

The first and last impressions are usually the things that anyone remembers. The same happens with cold emails when sending to get backlinks.

Subject lines are actually the hooks of your cold emails. So, it must be intriguing, relevant, and pique curiosity.

When writing a subject line with a goal of getting a backlink, highlight the value you offer, personalize it with a shared interest or a specific reference to their content, and keep it concise.

Remember, you're not writing a novel; just enough to make them open the email and explore the deliciousness within.

However, cold email CTAs must be clear, action-oriented, and concise. It tells the recipient exactly what you want them to do.

CTAs of cold emails for backlinks can be visiting your website, reading a specific blog, or discussions or book meetings link.

Call-to-action actually makes your reader become a collaborator. So, craft these two most crucial points strategically for link building.

Follow-up emails on your link-building efforts

Cold emails for backlinks are just like planting a seed. That means it requires proper take care until blossoms. So, you need a follow-up strategy if you really want a link for your website.

But remember don’t be pushy in sending follow-up emails. Wait for 3 to 5 days after your first cold email. If you didn’t get a response then present your follow-up strategy.

Change your subject line. Send a follow-up email with a different subject line. Maybe the new perspective prompts the recipients to open the email.

However, follow-up doesn’t mean sending emails again and again. You can use different communication channels if your emails are not converting. Channels like social media or a mutual connection may work for you.

To get backlinks from your cold email efforts, must have a keen eye on your email content and then craft your follow-up emails accordingly. May refine your pitch work for you?

By mastering this essential skill, you'll transform your cold outreach into a warm stream of backlinks, propelling your website to new heights of search engine ranking.

Key takeaways

For crafting a cold email campaign for link building, the key points to take here are

  • Research the target website owner

  • Set a realistic goal from your cold email outreach

  • Get personal in your email content

  • Provide the real value that the recipients crave

  • Work on your CTAs and subject lines

  • Have a strong follow-up strategy

Integrating these fundamental and essential ingredients in your cold email recipe will undeniably get you a backlink and skyrocket your SEO game.

But here for getting a backlink, you need to be expert in writing SEO content and a cold email that actually converts.

However, wearing multiple hats at the same time will drain your energy and result in vain.

Enter Vaforus, a 3in1 solution for your business. The expert virtual assistants in SEO will write high-quality blogs, while our cold email experts will write personalized messages. This will free you to focus on your business, all while enhancing your website.

And to your luck, we are offering FREE Consultation. Secure your cold email experts now.