How to increase your cold email response rate?

In this blog post, we will reveal the 8 most effective techniques for improving the cold email response rate. In addition, you will also get to know how to calculate the response rate.

Iqra Abid

11/22/20236 min read

black iphone 5 on white surface
black iphone 5 on white surface

Imagine your business emails not just reaching inboxes but sparking meaningful conversations. That's the promise a cold email high response rate holds.

If we evaluate, a 10-15% response rate of cold emails is considered good. But how to achieve this goal?

Today we embark on a journey to unraveling the techniques that hold importance in improving the cold email response rate.

What is the cold email response rate?

Understanding the concept is crucial in improving the response rate of your cold outreach.

The cold email response rate is the percentage of recipients who not only open your cold email but also take a desired action—whether it's responding to your message, clicking a link, or engaging in further conversation.

A high response rate signifies resonance, indicating that your message struck a chord with your audience.

Cold email outreach holds the potential to revolutionize business dynamics, acting as a catalyst for growth—but its true power lies in the mysterious realm of response rates.

Learn more: Do cold emails work?

How cold email response rate is calculated?

Calculating the cold email response rate involves a straightforward yet insightful formula that sheds light on the effectiveness of your outreach efforts.

Response rate= {Number of responses / Number of Emails Sent} × 100

By applying this formula, you obtain a percentage that signifies the proportion of your audience who actively engaged with your cold emails.

The cold email response rate is analyzed in percentage.

For instance, if you sent out 100 cold emails and received 10 responses, your response rate would be

(10/100) × 100 =10%.

A higher response rate indicates effective communication and audience resonance, while a lower rate prompts an improvement in your approach.

Learn more: How to write a cold email to a potential client?

Tips to Improve Cold Email Response Rate

Now, let's get to the heart of the matter—practical tips that can elevate your cold email game.

1-List Management

Effective list management stands as the key player for the high response rate of your cold email outreach.

The first step in list management to improve the response rate is isolating your persona.

It's about going beyond a generic approach and zeroing in on a specific, well-defined audience. This could be about segmenting your leads list to a particular industry, a specific country, or even individuals with a distinct job title.

When you isolate your facade to one industry or country, you tailor your email content to speak directly to the pain points, challenges, and aspirations unique to that audience.

It also involves understanding the cultural nuances, language preferences, and even regional trends that shape your recipient's environment.

In some cases, isolating your persona could mean focusing on a particular job title. This targeted approach allows you to speak directly to decision-makers or influencers within an organization.

It's about creating a conversation that resonates on a specific level, increasing the likelihood of a meaningful response.

Learn more: Why should you outsource your cold emailing tasks to virtual assistants?

2-Validate Your Leads

Another crucial approach to improving your cold email response rate is validating.

Validating your leads is the detailed process of verifying and ensuring the quality, relevance, and authenticity of the individuals or entities on your email list before initiating any outreach.

This step is crucial in preventing wasted resources, safeguarding your sender’s reputation, and increasing the effectiveness of your email campaigns.

Here's a breakdown of what lead validation entails:

· Confirming that the leads on your list are real. This involves verifying that the provided contact information corresponds to actual individuals or entities.

· Ensuring that the recipients are genuinely interested or potentially benefit from your products or services enhances the chances of meaningful engagement.

· Checking the accuracy of the information on your list, such as email addresses and contact details.

· Verifying that the leads' email addresses are active and regularly monitored. This step contributes to higher deliverability rates, preventing your emails from being flagged as spam.

By validating your leads, you enhance the overall quality of your email list, reduce the risk of negative outcomes, and improve the cold email response rate.

Validating your leads also helps you to maximize your efforts in cold calling.

3- Good open rates increase the response rate

For a high cold email response rate, open rates act as a crucial indicator, serving as the gateway to meaningful responses.

It’s like high open rates are directly promotional to high response rates.

It’s obvious that to give a response, recipients must open their email first. For cold email outreach, open rates should range from 80 to 90 percent.

It signals that recipients not only received your email but were compelled to open and engage with its content.

So to achieve 80 to 90 percent open rates you must create a positive impression and content that speaks about your trustworthiness.

Here the bonus tip for your business is to hire a virtual assistant for your cold calling strategies or watch your response rates thrive.

Learn more: Why should companies outsource in 2024?

4- A healthy domain is effective in getting responses

Moreover, integral to open-rate success is the role of a healthy domain in improving cold outreach response rates.

Beyond content, maintaining a robust and reputable domain is pivotal in ensuring that your emails reach recipients' inboxes rather than being relegated to the dreaded spam folder.

A healthy domain not only solidifies your credibility but also communicates to email service providers that your messages are valuable, reducing the likelihood of them being flagged as spam.

It's a technical foundation that complements content efforts, contributing significantly to the visibility and accessibility of your emails.

Learn more: What is email marketing?

5-Compelling Subject line is paramount

Crafting a compelling and personalized subject line is crucial for both open rates and response rates.

Personalized subject lines impact your lead and how you approach him/her.

The key lies in tailoring the subject line to reflect a genuine understanding of your lead's perspective.

Instead of generic and one-size-fits-all approaches, a personalized subject line speaks directly to the individual, demonstrating that your message is crafted with them in mind.

"Get 3x more qualified leads for {{companyName}} ?”

This personalized and interrogative approach not only addresses the brand by its name but also highlights a direct benefit relevant to the business and piques curiosity.

It immediately communicates that the content inside is tailored to his specific needs and challenges.

Moreover, a customized subject line serves as a teaser for the content within the email. It sets expectations, ensuring that the recipient knows what value or information they can anticipate.

6-Introduction Lines of cold emails must be genuine

After the subject line, the introduction lines of your email are a game changer for improving the response rates of your cold message.

It involves more than a simple greeting; it's about tailoring those first ones to two sentences to showcase a genuine understanding of your recipient.

Your introduction lines signal that you've done your homework, creating a personalized touch that sets your email apart from generic blasts.


The pro tip here is you need to go beyond surface-level research. Rather than stating the obvious about their industry, company, or projects, the aim is to uncover a hidden angle or unique aspect that others might overlook.

This requires a deep dive into their "About Us" page on their website or other relevant sources to find that little nugget that truly sets them apart.

The directive to focus the first four lines on them, not on yourself, ensures that your initial communication revolves around their world, making it more likely to resonate and engage.

Learn more: Why should you have a website for your business?

7- Keep your cold email brief

You can improve your cold email response rates by keeping your message brief and focused.

It is a strategic approach rooted in the understanding that attention spans are limited and the value of your recipient's time is precious.

In a world bombarded with information, brevity becomes a key driver for engagement and response rates.

According to Boomerang, emails between 50-125 words have the highest response rates, with a gradual decline as the word count increases.

A brief email that addresses the prospect’s pain points or offers a solution directly related to their interests is more likely to resonate.

Long-winded messages risk losing the reader's interest before they even reach the core message.

When your message is concise and tailored to their needs, it not only increases the chances of being read but also positions you as a respectful and considerate communicator.

8-Strong CTA at the end of cold email

The last and most important element in improving cold email response rate is a strong Call-to-Action. It guides your recipient toward the desired response, transforming a casual reader into an engaged participant.

Genuinely, the response rate of your cold emails depends on a good call to action.

According to HubSpot, emails with a single call-to-action increased clicks by 371% and sales by 1617%.

Here are the tips

· Make your CTA clear, concise, and unambiguous.

· Instill a sense of urgency to prompt immediate action. Whether it's a limited-time offer or an exclusive opportunity, urgency often boosts response rates.

· Tailor your CTA to align with the specific needs or pain points of your prospect.

· Employ actionable verbs that prompt decisiveness. Words like "Discover," "Explore," or "Get Started" instill a proactive mindset, compelling your recipient to take the intended action.

Here are some examples of the best CTAs

"Seize the Savings! Limited-time offer ends in 24 hours. Click here to unlock exclusive discounts now!"

"Get started on your journey to success. Click here to download our free guide."


In the journey to enhance your cold email response rates, precision and strategy reign supreme. From isolating your persona to mastering the art of compelling subject lines and CTAs, every detail plays a crucial role.

Ready to optimize your cold outreach?

Book a free consultation with us at Vaforus and get your tailored strategy for cold email outreach. We have a dedicated team of Virtual Assistants to elevate your cold email game with personalized assistance.