How to build a Personal Brand on Social Media?

In this blog post, We will share the roadmap to building a personal brand on Social Media.

Iqra Abid

12/26/20236 min read

MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on table
MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on table

With billions of users on social media platforms, you can strategically build your brand on any platform, depending on your niche and audience.

If we explain personal branding or the process of how to build a personal brand in the form of a concise definition:

It's like creating the position and perception of an individual or the personality of a brand with authority in the relevant industry. It’s the process that involves finding your uniqueness and goal and then building your reputation around that uniqueness, values, and staying ahead in the competition.

But remember the goal is to provide value and benefit to your audience and solve their problems in any way.

However, building a personal brand on social media typically requires content to be posted on social media platforms. But before diving into posting, you should be aware of the elements and techniques through which you can effectively create content according to your brand or niche.

So, aspiring brand builders, today I will tell you the roadmap to building a personal brand on social media.

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Understand the foundations

The first and most fundamental step in building a personal brand on social media is identifying and understanding the basics. Here you must be clear about the following points because these facts make the foundation of your brand.

  • What is your goal for your brand?

  • What is your brand known for?

  • What value you can give to your audience?

  • On which platforms your audience is present?

  • What do you want to communicate with your audience?

  • Who is your target audience and what do they expect from you?

The answers to these questions will assist you in your next steps of building a personal brand and make you clear about your brand goals.

The common outset about branding includes color palettes, visuals, style, fonts, typography, designs, and, tone of communication.

Although all these factors have some weightage in building a social media brand, the above-mentioned factors affect building a personal brand on social media.

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Choose your platforms

Choosing the precise platform for your business is a strategic move in building a personal brand. Because there is no need to be present on all social media platforms.

Be there for your audience where they are most active and available in abundance.

Don’t waste your energy on platforms that don’t generate results; it's just because your audience is not gathered there.

A simple example of this is that LinkedIn is famous for professionals and is a networking platform usually used by groups of people aged above 25. It’s the platform for recruiters and job seekers.

So local businesses, entertainment-related brands, and artisanal products with limited professional applications must not waste their energy on platforms like this.

Also, if your target audience is youth typically aged from 18 to 34, then Instagram will be the most effective place for you.

So, have a deep knowledge of your audience, know about their interests, age groups, and pain points, and then choose the right platform for your brand.

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Content is the king and queen of building a personal brand

Now come to the cool part of the whole process of building a personal brand. It is actually an implementation mode of branding. Where you post your content on different social media platforms.

But it's the king and queen. Because your content delivers your vibes to the audience. It's just like how you want to feel your brand to your audience.

Studies show that brands that consistently publish high-quality content witness an average of 67% more engagement on social media platforms.

Now I am going to give you the core principles of the content creation process.

  • Your content must be engaging and captivating.

  • Don’t just post random pics, selfies, or cat videos.

  • Your content must align with your brand and audience.

  • Be authentic and transparent in your brand's content.

  • A personal brand’s content must be valuable in the eyes of your audience.

However, the point here is how you deliver all these in your content.

Here are the different formats of social media content.

  • Videos

  • Stories

  • Visuals

  • Articles

  • Podcasts

  • Blog posts

  • Infographics

  • User-generated content

You can leverage all formats according to the platform and its purpose.

What’s effective is to research your audience's conversations and interests, what actually they search and what are they looking for. This is the only way you can create tailored and valuable content on social media platforms.

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Be the social butterfly; engage with your audience

If content is king in brand building, then I must say conversation with your audience is a prince.

Because building a personal brand on social media is not one one-way street. It’s all about engagement. The more you get engaged the more rapidly you grow your brand.

  • Create polls.

  • Reply to the comments.

  • Participate in conversations that are related to your brand.

  • Urge your audience to create user-generated content around your brand.

Here the theory of building a personal brand is to give the feel of you and show people that there is an original and authentic person behind the brand.

Consistency is crucial in building a brand

Now here is the harmonious part of building a personal brand and that is consistency.

Posting occasionally cannot grow your brand just the way you want it to grow.

Be consistent in your frequency, style, and tone. Also, update your profiles to the current position and goals.

Most importantly, your all social media profiles, websites, business cards, email styles, and your signature must be consistent and in the same alignment.

  • Regular posting is crucial. However, quality always wins over quantity. So, post frequently with quality content.

  • How often do you want to post on all platforms? Make a content calendar for your brand on different social media platforms.

  • Make a monthly or weekly schedule of your content posts. And then stick to this calendar.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, so neither is a thriving personal brand.

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Build your authentic self

Whether you are offering services or products on social media, authenticity, and transparency is the key to building a brand even from scratch.

Be you and show yourself to your audience regularly. Share your genuine self, your challenges, your triumphs, your losses, your journeys, your failures, and your learnings.

Your audience will automatically make a connection with your brand.

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Analyze and experiment

It’s the most exciting and fun part of the whole process of building a personal brand. Because I believe that social media is all about experiments. It's not a monotonous place it’s an evolving landscape.

Change your content according to trends, try different formats and platforms, experiment with things, and have fun and humor with your audience while keeping professionalism.

Injecting humor into your brand will make it exciting and you also enjoy the journey.

The fast food giant, Wendy’s is famous for its humorous approach on social media.
The most famous and witty statement of this brand is when they respond to their follower query about their fresh beef is, “Our beef is way too cool to ever be frozen”.

This tone showcases the brand’s personality in a humorous and light-hearted way, yet keeping professionalism.

Here the point to ponder is building your personal brand is not the destination, it’s a journey. So, adapt accordingly, experiment, and learn from your mistakes.

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If I wrap up this blog in one line it's like:

Building a personal brand takes time, patience, consistency, expertise, creativity, graphic designing, content writing, and professionalism.

In addition, social media is a data-driven place that gives you analytics and insights about your content.

You must be overwhelmed after reading this, wondering how you can build your personal brand alone. It’s read as ‘personal’ but in reality, it requires a team or you could say that a personal team, to build a brand.

So, having a personal and expert social media team that can audit your social media, gather your analytics, inform you about your strategy, tell you about your content performance, design your content for social media platforms, and optimize your content to reach a wider audience is invaluable.

At Vaforus, our social media experts assist you on your journey to build the personal brand that your unique voice deserves.

If you feel that despite your continuous efforts you are unable to build your personal brand according to your voice, then book a free meeting with us to understand your brand challenges and overcome them.

Let’s start a social media party together!