How to build a brand on Instagram in 2024?

In this blog post, we will share the basics of your audience's interest, brand goals, and the key to Instagram Brand building.

Iqra Abid

1/11/20247 min read

blue and red square logo
blue and red square logo

Among all the social media platforms the top 2 platforms that best build a brand are Facebook and Instagram.

Approximately 500 million users engage with Instagram daily, providing consistent opportunities for brands to connect with their audience.

However, just appearing in the Instagram news feed is not the way to build a brand on this social media platform. There is much more that you should know about Instagram branding.

In addition, to build yourself as a brand you should know the basics like your audience's interest, brand goals, the right platforms, and marketing achievements.

To upgrade your knowledge about the foundation of building a brand, just click here.

Now for discussing Instagram branding, techniques, and features, let's have a walk.

Creative mindset

In the world of Instagram, what catches the eye is what seals the deal. So creative minds can invent the stuff that hooks the audience.

Content creator definition is not like who creates content and shares it. Instead, it is defined as the one who first gives an idea, then creates the idea to validate it, and finally executes it by sharing.

And to build a brand on Instagram, creativity is the first thing that you should have.

It’s obvious, that you cannot be creative at the start of brand building, but with time you can perceive the creativity. But it takes time or maybe you get exhausted to try to be creative for your business and Instagram branding.

Hiring creative minds globally as virtual assistants is a breeze. Wondering how they conjure creativity? Their extensive experience in content creation lets them transform any ordinary idea into creative content effortlessly.

Instagram Username

Now come to the first and topmost feature to build an Instagram brand. Your username should be like that when the audience searches for any brand related to your niche you will appear in their search list. That means you must have that keyword through which your audience searches brands like you.

Here are tips for choosing an Instagram Username:

-Keep it brief and to the point:

Aim for 10-15 characters for maximum readability.

-Use appropriate keywords:

Include keywords that customers may use to find your brand.

-Be distinctive and avoid overused words

-Check to see if your preferred username isn't already in use.

-Think about brand consistency: Align your username across various platforms with your entire brand identity.

Instagram bio is the brand builder

The most crucial feature for building a brand on Instagram is your bio. It is a mini home page. The unknown person when comes to your Instagram page must check your bio and be able to know about yourself.

Also, Instagram algorithms get to know about the type of your brand if you use the right kind of keywords related to your niche, in your bio. Algorithms optimize your profile and show it to the right audience.

You only have 150 words to introduce yourself. That means each word count. Be it effective for audience and algorithms.

In addition, always use one external link in your Instagram bio to de-platform your audience to other resources and websites. This creates your authority and also gives the audience a call to action that click on the link and learn more about our brand.

One important thing that brands don’t know when they start building on Instagram is, using the brand’s primary hashtag in the bio. You can update your hashtag if you are promoting any.

Instagram branding is all about visuals and reels.

Different platforms are famous for different formats. LinkedIn is famous for carousals and articles. However, Instagram is well-known for its high-quality visuals. Although, Instagram reels are now getting more reach, still the creative and high-quality visuals are effective.

For those who are building their brands on Instagram, remember algorithms favor reels that get engagement till the end. In the fast-scrolling addiction of people, attention spans are shrinking.

So, 7-second videos are best for getting maximum reach on Instagram. Because after seven seconds, users naturally lose interest if reels are not enough creative and exciting.

However, producing high-quality graphics for Instagram branding takes more than just a high-end camera. It combines creativity, technical skill, and strategic planning to captivate your audience and enhance your brand message.

You must have narrative, storytelling, emotions, and excitement in your images and visuals.

Content styles that are trending on Instagram.

Every brand has its unique grace. To build a brand on Instagram you have to choose your brand style according to the trends.

Utilize color pallets, font styles, graphic designs, and content formats that actually complement your brand.

Invest your time and resources in generating visual content that is high-quality and appealing. Use the 4 pillars of content in building your brand on Instagram.

Your visuals, reels, carousals, and stories should revolve around educational, promotional, entertainment, and conversational content styles. The right blend of these content types will help you to build and grow your brand on Instagram.

If you only provide information all the time and educate the people without any fun and entertainment, they will get bored, so keeping the variety of content is crucial in Instagram branding.

Learn more: Types of content marketing. What should you choose?

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Consume all branding features of Instagram.

To build a brand on Instagram, it offers different kinds of features to use on the platform, like Instagram stories, posts, carousals, reels, live videos, and IGTV.

Utilize all of these for Instagram branding, because different features have diverse kinds of reaches and reactions.

If your audience gets hooked by your story, they will directly reply to you in your DM.

Or if inspired by your post then can comment and share it with other friends and family.

In addition, integrate your videos with reels and stories. Show yourself at least once a month or a week, depending on the brand, on live video sessions.

IGTV, on Instagram, allows users to create and share videos that are longer in duration compared to regular posts or stories. You can share in-depth discussions, tutorials, or interviews with IGTV.

The most important thing on Instagram is the hashtag. Without hashtags, you cannot get an organic reach. It’s a must-part part of your brand-building efforts.

Use branded hashtags and encourage users to incorporate them to produce user-generated content. This not only builds a community around your brand but also ensures a steady influx of content from your followers and fans on autopilot.

Among all types of content, user-generated content is the most authentic. It’s the digital way to have word-of-mouth marketing.

But remember to utilize all the features of a platform to build an attractive brand.

A must-read: How to increase organic reach on Instagram?

Instagram shop for Instagram branding

Instagram shop feature is one of the best tools for brands that have no proper e-commerce store and can sell their products on Instagram by featuring or listing their products on this shop.

It’s amazing to build a brand on Instagram that is there to sell something.

You can create your shop by uploading high-quality quality pictures and videos of your products and can categorize your list, tag your products in your posts and stories, and track the performance of the product views, clicks, and sales.

It is also suitable for small businesses that are at the start of their brand building and do not have enough budget to perform search engine or SEO marketing.

Instagram shop feature is not provided all over the globe. It's available in 50 countries including the UK, USA, Germany, Spain, Canada, and many more.

Instagram broadcasting list

The Instagram broadcasting list feature is particularly useful for brands and creators who want to engage with their audience in a more personalized way.

It's a type of list or a group of followers to whom you can send direct messages simultaneously. You create a followers list or group that has the same interests, demographics, and or any other relevant criterion.

Similar to emails being a direct source of communication, the broadcasting list is just like that. Brands can communicate directly with their audience, provided they have permission – granted when the audience accepts the broadcasting list request.

You can share any updates, exclusive offers, or announcements with your group.

It is also measurable. You can measure the results like open rates, replies, and queries to understand the effectiveness of the list.

It's best for building a community around your brand and for connecting with your audience on a personal level.

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Instagram ads

Organic reach needs time and effort but will definitely pay you in the long run. However, Instagram paid ads are also an effective way to reach your targeted audience just in case you have a high marketing budget.

Instagram ad feature helps in building the brand by applying filters. Instagram-targeted ads filter the demographics, the age limits, the area in which you want to run ads, and gender discrimination. It helps brands reach their targeted audience in less time and effort.

However, you need to be consistent in publishing your content. It’s not like you post once a week and run a target ad on it. You would not get the desired results in this way.

Consistency in organic posts builds your authority, guides your followers about your brand, and builds awareness free of cost.

A Must-read: How to increase your social media followers? A step-by-step guide.

Influencer marketing to build an Instagram brand

Influencer Marketing is a powerhouse in Instagram marketing. It involves collaborating with influential individuals on the platform to authentically showcase and recommend your products or services.

These influencers, with their devoted followers, serve as trusted voices, fostering genuine connections between your brand and potential customers.

By sharing your products and their use in daily life and integrating your products and services into their routines, your brand gets exposed to a broader audience in a more authoritative way.

This form of marketing goes beyond traditional advertisements, offering a more personal and relatable approach. Influencers seamlessly integrate your brand into their content, be it lifestyle, fashion, or travel, creating a narrative that resonates with their followers.

Through the lens of influencers, your brand story becomes a shared experience, making a lasting impact on the audience and driving meaningful engagement and conversions.


Remember, the key is to be consistent, creative, and audience-focused. With dedication and the right strategies, you can turn your Instagram into a powerful tool for brand growth and will definitely build a brand by incorporating different formats and features.

The right social media tools, proven strategies, creative content creators, expert Instagram marketers, and artistic graphic designers, together can build a brand on Instagram.

It's definitely not a one-man show, and the person is already busy building a real business. And that's precisely where Vaforus comes in.

The team of social media experts at Vaforus will not only help build your brand on Instagram but also assist you in making informed business decisions by analyzing the performance of products in the Instagram shop and providing insights into your content.

Book a free Consultation meeting here.