How do virtual assistants help you in email marketing?

In this blog post, we will share what tasks can you outsource to a virtual assistant to optimize your customer journey and email marketing.

Iqra Abid

2/15/20244 min read

person using phone and laptop
person using phone and laptop

In this digital space, businesses have many strategies and techniques to get a wider reach to the audience so that they can increase their sale.

But the world of digital marketing is full of competition and if you don’t put the right strategy at the right time you will be leaving behind.

So if you do not opt for email marketing virtual assistants your business is just like a fish out of water.

Therefore, to give you the true scenarios of having an email marketing virtual assistant I will tell you the countless tasks that a virtual assistant will perform for you and what benefits you will get from them.

What tasks an email marketing virtual assistant can perform?

A virtual assistant can play a pivotal role in creating and implementing effective email marketing campaigns for your business. With their expertise and attention to detail, they can assist you in a variety of ways

Email Campaign Strategist

The first task that your email marketing virtual assistant can perform with you is to create a solid email marketing strategy that aligns with your business goals, target audience, and messaging.

Learn more: What is email marketing?

A virtual assistant can be your email Content Creator

Your email marketing is not about sending emails and checking their responses.

From writing engaging email copy to designing visually appealing templates, an email marketing virtual assistant can produce content that resonates with your subscribers and encourages action.

Learn more: What is content marketing?

Virtual assistants are List builders and Managers

Virtual assistants who are typically hired for email marketing first help you out in building email lists.

Email list building is not simply to buy it from resources and start your email journey. You will not get the fruit.

Building an email list manually and organically needs strategies and workouts to get the results.

Now after building a list, virtual assistants keep it clean, up-to-date, and segmented for more personalized email campaigns.

A Must-read: How to build an email list? Unbelievable and easy techniques

Automation Sequence Writer

In email marketing, it’s the most vital part to have an email sequence that you can send to your list.

Virtual assistants for email marketing can set up automated email workflows, such as welcome sequences, abandoned cart reminders, and birthday greetings. This saves you time and ensures consistent communication with a personalized touch.

Relevant: How can a virtual assistant help you in content writing?

A/B Testing with virtual assistants

If we talk about digital marketing it’s all about A/B testing. Because it’s a dynamic and evolving arena.

Email marketing virtual assistants can perform A/B testing on all the elements of the email like subject lines, content, call-to-actions, and visuals to determine what resonates best with your audience and improves campaign performance.

Scheduling and Sending through virtual assistants

Although AI provides a lot of ease to digital marketers but still human checks and human touch are unnegotiable.

Your email marketing virtual assistant will handle the scheduling and sending of emails to ensure they reach your subscribers at the right times for maximum impact.

Learn more: How businesses can benefit from AI?
Learn more: How to keep the human touch in AI-generated content?

Virtual assistants are Performance Trackers

All digital marketing techniques are measurable and without getting the results it’s difficult to get the fruit.

Email marketing virtual assistants will monitor key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions, and provide you with insights to optimize future campaigns.

Virtual Assistants ensure Compliance and Regulations

Virtual assistants who manage your emails will make sure your email campaigns comply with relevant regulations, such as CAN-SPAM or GDPR, to maintain a positive reputation and legal standing.

Optimization and engagement

Based on data analysis, your marketing virtual assistant can continuously enhance your email marketing strategy, refining content, timing, and targeting for better results.

In addition, these email managers can suggest engagement tactics like exclusive offers, storytelling, and customer testimonials to keep your subscribers interested and involved.

Virtual assistants provide maps to the Customer Journey

Marketing is different for different types of audiences. Warm and cold audiences are not on the same level.

Virtual assistants who create email marketing campaigns can map out the customer journey and create email sequences that guide subscribers from awareness to conversion and loyalty.

Benefits of having an email marketing virtual assistant.

Free up your time

By reading all of the above-mentioned tasks that an email marketing virtual assistant can perform, you can imagine that you will feel as light as a feather after outsourcing this marketing technique to virtual assistants.

However, you can use your energy and time to grow your business and ensure that your business is running smoothly.


Virtual assistants are the only cost-effective solution in today's digital world. When everything is online then why does your business have in-house employees?

You can save the taxes, office expenditures, bills, and many other things by having virtual assistants on board.

Moreover, outsourcing to virtual assistants in developing countries is more cost-effective as the economy differs.

The talent in these countries is at the top in outsourcing work as they do not have a playground to show their skills in their residential areas. They are hardworking and graduates of top universities.  

Learn more: Top 7 trends of virtual assistants in 2024

Get more engagement

You can genuinely see the difference when you hire a virtual assistant for your email game.

These online pros can bring more engagement to your email marketing and you can generate more leads and sales as a result.

Enhance customer relationships

Outsourcing email marketing to virtual assistants not only builds relations with new customers but by engaging and telling about your products and offers in a personalized way, you can get loyal customers in return.

Build your brand with email marketing virtual assistants

From setting the email campaign's specific objectives to measuring the results of the campaign, a virtual assistant can be your marketing unsung hero.

You can build a brand with the help of email marketing if it's in the right hands. Most importantly, if you are in the precise place for outsourcing, you are not just buying services; you can get a dream team for your business.

Vaforus is at the top as an affordable outsourcing partner. Virtual assistants at Vaforus are not only in buying and selling relationships but also give you results and work as partners with you.

Book your free consultation meeting with us now!