Top 7 trends of Virtual Assistants in 2024.

In this blog post, we will take a scoop at the top seven trends of virtual assistants in 2024, and why they're the go-to choices for all kinds of tasks from accountancy to digital marketing.

Iqra Abid

10/12/20235 min read

Scaling up your business in the fast-paced landscape of 2024 is an exciting but tough endeavor. As you strive for growth, one of the key questions you might be pondering is: how can you expand while conserving both your financial resources and precious time?

The answer to this question undoubtedly lies in the progressively popular solution of appointing virtual assistants.

Freelancers and virtual assistants are versatile professionals, that usually work from their homes from any corner of the globe, and become the necessary associates for businesses aiming to thrive in the new era.

Today, we will take a scoop at the top seven trends of virtual assistants in 2024, and why they're the go-to choices for all kinds of tasks from accountancy to digital marketing.

So without wasting time let's explore the trends of virtual assistants that will allow you to scale up your corporate.

1- High-Speed internet everywhere

It would be a surprise to read that as of 2024, more than 5.3 billion people, or approximately 66% of the world's population, have access to the Internet, according to data from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

With increased access to the internet, more virtual assistants are available around the globe.

In addition, social media and the internet have now become a beautiful couple of online worlds and opened up incredible job opportunities for people even in the most remote corners of the world.

This online couple has created an online platform for businesses to easily interact and cooperate with remote professionals in their respective industries, all from the comfort of their own homes.

The consequences of high-speed internet and wireless networks are particularly booming in the domain of virtual assistants. This synergy has propelled the global intelligent virtual assistant and conversational AI market onto a path pointing at an impressive USD 62 billion by the time 2032 arrives.

With technological advancement and the evolution of internet connectivity, countless opportunities, allow virtual assistants and freelancers of the world to participate in the ever-connected, digital realm.

Related: How can you maximize productivity with virtual assistants?

2- Increased Personalization with VAs

The trend of hiring virtual assistants for only administrative tasks has changed now. The days of one-size-fits-all solutions are over. Built on user behavior, preferences, and historical data, virtual assistants are now capable of delivering highly personalized experiences.

Remote workers provide personalized solutions to marketing strategies, where businesses can create targeted campaigns that resonate with individual customers.

Personalization is one of the fundamental reasons that gives a boost to the trends of hiring virtual assistants because you get tailored solutions from the comfort of your home.

According to Epsilon, 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalized experiences.

Discover more: Benefits of hiring a marketing virtual assistant.

3- Increase in outsourcing

Over the past 5 years, there has been a notable increase in the trend of outsourcing to virtual assistants or any third party, as businesses opt to take external assistance for their operational needs.

According to current research, outsourcing companies are on the increase, with a projected global market value of $397.6 billion by 2025, indicating an impressive growth rate.

The trend of virtual assistants and outsourcing is determined by various factors, including

  • Cost efficiency

  • Online access to specialized skills

  • Work-from-home trends

  • The ability to focus on core business functions.

According to a survey by FlexJobs, 65% of respondents said they are more productive working from home, indicating the effectiveness of remote work arrangements.

Organizations are increasingly turning to outsourcing to leverage the expertise of virtual assistants who are experts in several domains, such as

These remote workers by sitting in the comfort of their homes, tap into a global talent pool and help streamline operations online and enhance the overall efficiency of any business.

Discover more: Why should companies outsource their work in 2024?

4- Demand for Cost-effective solutions

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous businesses faced a significant loss of employees and financial resources. Consequently, the trend for cost-effective solutions in various scenarios has become paramount.

The "2021 Freelance Forward Report" by Upwork states that 46% of hiring managers consider cost savings as the primary driver for using freelancers and virtual assistants.

In the pursuit of cost-effective solutions, businesses are recognizing the significant advantages of outsourcing tasks to virtual assistants and remote workers.

According to the "Freelancing in America 2020" research, hiring a virtual assistant can result in cost savings of 20-30% when compared to traditional employment methods.

If we extract the key takeaways, it is clear that businesses and even busy professionals like to enjoy the benefits of virtual assistants.

The trend of virtual assistants increasing because they not only save the operational costs of businesses but also eliminate the office expenditures, taxes, and overhead costs of traditional employees.

Learn more about: Virtual assistants vs employees.
Related: How a virtual assistant can save you time and money?

5- Remote-Driven Startups

For startups and small businesses, every cent counts. Task delegation to freelancers and virtual assistants is an effective trend to extend limited resources.

Companies can save money on operations such as payroll, HR, IT support, marketing, social media management, and customer service, which involve significant investments in hiring and training workers as well as equipment.

A survey by Clutch revealed that 37% of small businesses outsource to reduce overhead costs.

Outsourcing enables companies to get specialized virtual assistants that might not be available locally at the same cost. In this way, it can provide companies with access to a diverse pool of talent.

Hiring from outside sources can also help businesses stay flexible and nimble, allowing them to quickly respond to changing market conditions and client needs.

Virtual assistants work online across various time zones, enabling constant productivity and responsiveness for worldwide enterprises.

To summarise, outsourcing can be a critical success factor for startups and small businesses.

Recommended: 5 Reasons why should you hire a Virtual Assistant?

6- The Digital Tool Revolution

Digital tools are not only the allies of virtual assistants and freelancers but have also become the true partners of the transformational era of business. Every perspective, every single operation, and each task are now reshaping the way they are conducted previously.

According to a survey by McKinsey, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital technologies by several years, pushing businesses to embrace tools that facilitate remote work and virtual collaboration.

A Gartner study predicts that by 2025, customer service organizations that integrate AI into their multichannel engagement platforms will witness a 25% increase in operational efficiency.

The digital tool uprising, in true spirit, represents the considerable impact of technical tools on many business aspects ranging from remote work and communication to e-commerce and data administration.

The data and information presented above emphasize the dynamic trend that digital tools play in defining the online modern business landscape.

Freelancers and virtual assistants by adopting online digital tools into their work ethics stimulate innovation and move organizations toward greater efficiency and success.

7- Flexibility and productivity revolution.

Virtual assistants offer flexibility that traditional employees often can't match. Professional remote workers are promised on a project basis, during peak workloads, or for specific tasks.

Flexibility in working hours gives you the freedom to adapt virtual assistant services according to your business's evolving needs.

A study by FlexJobs found that 65% of professionals believe they are more productive working remotely, showcasing the flexibility that virtual assistants bring to the work environment.

Freelancers and virtual assistants who typically work from home not only provide flexibility in assigned tasks but also allow you and your team to focus on a strategic approach.

The trend of outsourcing to virtual assistants not only helps them to be more productive in their work but also boosts your business productivity and efficiency.


The realm of virtual assistants is full of opportunities. As AI advances, we may expect virtual assistants to provide ever more

  • Smooth interactions

  • Wider language support

  • Greater decision-making skills.

The advances in trends and tools will not only change business functions but also enhance user experiences.

With limitless opportunities in the world of remote work, at Vaforus we are committed to being on the front edge of these innovations, ensuring that you have access to the most cutting-edge virtual assistant solutions that boost productivity, efficiency, and success.

So we invite you to join us on this ground-breaking journey as we hug these trends tightly and continue to innovate. Schedule a meeting here.