How to write a Cold Call Script? Proven Tips and Samples

In this blog, we are going to explore the basics of cold-calling scripts and proven samples for sales scripts.

Iqra Abid

12/17/20235 min read

red corded home phone
red corded home phone

Cold calling is an extinct species of sales technique. Many businesses today believe in this myth and don’t invest in it. But the reality is the opposite.

Every business potential prospect is more responsive to cold calls. Whether you are a B2B or B2C business, to get more outbound leads and generate more sales cold calling is a gold mine.

However, effective cold calling needs an effective script. Dialling random numbers without any approach and goals is just like aiming in the dark. To book more meetings with clients you must need a convincing script.

How to write a cold call script? What are the basics of cold-calling scripts? What are some proven tips for writing a script?

Today I am on a mission to answer all of your questions. But before going to write a script for your sales call, you need to know the factors that can increase your cold-calling efforts. So, must read this, How to maximize your cold calling efforts?

Now without adding more, let’s move towards our ultimate goal.

Fundamentals of cold calling script

Different industries have different aims for their cold calls. But to write a script for any cold call there are some ground rules to follow.

A cold call is an invitation to someone who has no prior connection or interaction with your business products or services.

Cold calling scripts may vary according to different industries but their main purpose is to book meetings with more clients.

So, let’s start with the nitty-gritty.

1- Icebreaker

The first basic element of cold call script is salutation. Your greetings must be personalized. Research the prospect beforehand to write a personalized greeting.

2- Hook your prospect

After greetings, the script must move to hook the prospect. Start with shocking news, curiosity-raising questions, industry-relevant facts, shared connections, or any specific point.

At this point of the script, you need a well-researched prospect information.

3- Introduce yourself

Your introduction also matters in the cold call script. Because prospects can able to get whether it’s worth getting engaged or not?

Briefly introduce yourself and your company. Here remember that the script must be YOU (Prospects oriented) not self (Company) oriented.

4- The purpose of your calling

Every cold call script for any industry must include the point that tells the prospect why are you reaching out. Otherwise, they remain confused about what actually you want from them.

Tell your prospect about your solution and what are you offering in this section of your script.

5- Give value to the lead

Your script must give value to your lead. While cold calling, you are not talking randomly, you are following the script, and value is the most crucial element of cold call scripts.

Focus on benefits and the results instead of telling your product features. Highlight the value you can bring to them.

In Addition, use measurable results and success stories to build credibility.

6- Take permission

Your script must be in a conversational tone. Make your prospects feel like they are in conversation with their will.

Take the prospect’s permission to talk for a specific duration of time. The value of their time is also an important component of cold-calling scripts.

7- Call to action
Now here is the most crucial and final element of your cold-calling script.
Clearly state your request and propose the next step, whether it's a demo, consultation, or further information.
Be flexible and give them choices to fit their schedule and preferences. Giving options can increase the probability of booked meetings.

Now we craft the cold call script samples for different industries. But remember these are just samples, you must edit them or fit them according to your offer and value.

By considering the above elements edit your script according to your niche.

Discover more: Why should you outsource your cold calling tasks?

3 Proven samples of cold call scripts

Before moving towards the templates, bear in mind that every section or point in the script must follow a specific time.

Anything that exceeds its limit will make the script weak and will not generate results.

Usually, the intro must be in 15 to 20 seconds and the focus is on hooking the prospect.

Then 30-second value proposition that explains the solution and gives value to the lead.

Moreover, the final call-to-action also be in 15 to 20 seconds.

These timings may be increased depending on the question or objections of your lead. But try to be concise yet informative and engaging in delivering your value.

General Sales Script:


Hi, [Prospect Name], my name is [Your Name] and I work for [Company Name].


I observed your work in [Industry], and I was pleased with [Specific accomplishment or current news].

Value Proposition

We assist businesses like yours in [solving a frequent pain issue] by [briefly explaining your solution].

For example, we recently assisted [Similar company] in achieving [Countable result] by utilizing [Your product/service].

Call to action:

Would you be interested in a 10-minute phone conversation to discuss how we may assist you in achieving equivalent results?

Is there a better time to connect if not now?

SaaS cold call Script:


Hi [Prospect Name], I'm reaching out from [Your Company], a leading provider of [SaaS category] solutions.


I saw you recently downloaded our white paper on [Topic related to your SaaS].

Value Proposition:

Our [SaaS platform] goes beyond the basics by offering [Unique benefits].

We understand that every business is different, so we offer customized plans to fit your specific needs.

Call to Action:

Would you be interested in a personalized demo to see how our platform can simplify your [Business process]?

If you have a few minutes, I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about our solution.

Tech cold calling Script:


Hi [Prospect Name], [Your Company] helps businesses like yours optimize their [Technology area] for maximum productivity.


I understand you're using [Current technology], and I was curious if you've faced any challenges with [Specific pain point related to the technology].

Value Proposition:

Our [Product/Service] incorporates seamlessly with your existing system and can help you [List specific benefits, e.g., reduce downtime, streamline workflows, boost security].

We offer a free trial, so you can experience the results firsthand.

Call to Action:

Would you be open to a quick demo to see how [Your product/service] can address your [Pain point]?

If you're not available now, can I send you some resources to learn more?

Pro Tips:
  • Remember to mention about the objections and questions of the lead in a script is very important.

  • Be prepared for objections: Have answers ready for common concerns like budget, time constraints, or existing solutions.

  • Practice your script with someone before converting it into action.

Learn more: To 7 trends of virtual assistants in 2024.

Wrap up

A well-written cold-calling script is a beacon that can ensure more conversions. Your script can derive meaningful conversations that can result in a booked meeting.

However, it's logical that every caller is not a cold caller. Well-experienced and battle-tested cold callers are your solution for getting maximum outbound leads.

We at Vaforus, not only craft your effective cold-calling scripts but can also increase the conversion rates of your cold-calling strategy by researching your targeted leads.

If you are interested in getting more leads, try out us by booking a free consultation here.