Why should you outsource your cold-calling tasks?

In this blog post, we uncover how outsourcing cold-calling works and the compelling reasons why more businesses are opting to outsource this crucial task to professional cold-calling service providers.

Iqra Abid

9/23/20234 min read

black and brown rotary phone near gray wall
black and brown rotary phone near gray wall

For decades the only one strategy that is still alive for sales and marketing is cold calling. According to a recent study, 63 % of businesses report it as an effective method for lead generation.

However, the methods of reaching potential clients may evolve. Caller IDs and spam filters make it more challenging for businesses to connect with their potential prospects and target audience.

Numbers show that 90% of cold calls go unanswered. This shift in consumer behaviors led businesses to focus on modern and effective approaches to cold calling.

Many are now turning to outsourcing their cold-calling tasks to different professional companies. This approach has proven to be highly effective with businesses experiencing a 30% increase in lead conversion rates when they choose to outsource their cold-calling efforts.

In this blog, today we uncover how outsourcing cold calling works and the compelling reasons why more businesses are opting to outsource this crucial task to professional cold-calling service providers.

How Outsourcing Cold Calling Operates?

Let me show you how outsourcing cold calling works for you.

When businesses outsource cold calling, they gain access to trained professionals proficient in using persuasive scripts. These experts qualify your leads and navigate potential objections.

In this way you and your team can focus on core competencies, leading to enhanced productivity.

Imagine a digital marketing company outsourcing their cold calling tasks to any virtual assistant company. The experts not only perform cold calls on your behalf but also conduct thorough research on your audience, and qualify your prospects using various metrics like region, age, and gender.

They not only pitch them for conversations and conversions but also keep a record of your leads for future data analysis. That’s why companies prefer to outsource cold-calling tasks.

These professional telemarketers write scripts for your cold calls, and make calls to evoke interest in your products and services, and when the prospect shows interest they set up a meeting for both of you.

Discover More: How to Maximize your cold calling efforts?

When should you consider outsourcing your cold-calling tasks?

For businesses, it's difficult to decide when to outsource cold-calling tasks. Think about the following points when you are considering outsourcing cold-calling.

Variable Workloads:

Usually, businesses do not need cold-calling services all the time. This fluctuating lead generation needs can benefit greatly from outsourcing.

You can scale your outsourced cold calling efforts up or down as per your requirements and can ensure to save money.

Rapid Expansion or Market Entry

Businesses that want to expand into new markets and also want to launch new products or services must consider outsourcing cold calling.

Experienced cold callers can generate interest in your new products and produce more leads swiftly and effectively.

Data-Driven Approach:

Outsourced agencies often maintain detailed records of leads. This data can be invaluable for future analysis and refining your sales and marketing strategies.

Certainly, determining when you want your outsourced cold-calling team to make calls is an essential aspect of the decision-making process. This timing can significantly impact the effectiveness of your lead-generation efforts.

Immediate Cold Calling:

If you are running a business that needs immediate results or has a time-sensitive campaign, you can instruct your cold-calling outsourced team to start making calls right away.

This is especially useful for events, promotions, or product launches with specific deadlines. Immediate cold calling can generate quick responses and sales.

Scheduled Cold Calling:

On the other hand, if your business requires scheduled cold calling for a later time you also need outsourced cold calling efforts. Because this approach allows for more comprehensive lead research, script preparation, and strategic planning.

Scheduled cold calling is ideal when you want to target a specific audience or run a more complex campaign that requires careful execution.

The choice between immediate and scheduled cold calling depends on your business objectives and the nature of your products or services.

Benefits of Outsourcing Cold Calling

If you are not sure why should you outsource your cold-calling tasks these benefits are enough to consider

Save Money:

Outsourcing cold calling significantly reduces expenses by eliminating the need to hire and train an in-house team. You only pay for the services you need, saving on overhead costs.

It also works in a way that an outsourced virtual assistant is charged for the cold calls he or she will perform. So in this way, you don’t have to pay any fixed amount of money every month. You only pay for the number of cold calls they do.

Discover more: Virtual Assistant vs. Employee

Save Time:

By entrusting cold calling to expert virtual assistants, you save valuable time for your core business activities.

Not only you but your whole team can focus on the retention and deliverability of clients while the professionals can bring more customers to your table.

Outsourcing cold calling to professional telemarketers can handle lead generation, allowing your team to focus on strategic tasks.

Boosts Lead Generation:

Outsourcing ensures a dedicated focus on lead generation, increasing the volume of potential customers in your sales funnel. This boosts your chances of conversion.

According to Marketing Donut, only 2% of sales happen at the first meeting.

That’s why companies outsource their cold calling tasks to different experts and allow them to do more cold calls on a daily basis.

In this way, a pool of talents performs cold calling for you and automatically increases your conversions and sales respectively.

More Sales:

It’s a clear road map that more consistent and regular cold calls lead to more conversions and sales.

We derive a clear formula for cold-calling efforts

Regular Cold Calling➡ Consistent efforts➡ Greater Lead Generation➡ Improved Conversion Rate➡ Increased Sales

That’s why businesses outsource cold calling, conducted by specialists, leading to higher-quality leads and better conversion rates.

On average in industries with high cold calling activity, a cold caller or telemarketer may make anywhere from 60 to 80 calls per day.

However, it's important to prioritize the quality of calls over sheer quantity. A well-researched, targeted call is more likely to yield results than a high volume of generic cold calls.

Discover more: Benefits of hiring a virtual assistant for your business.


Outsourcing cold calling services to professionals is a key to the success of your business. Because without customers there is no business. Cold calls are a proven and modernized approach to increasing the customer base.

You must consider outsourcing your cold-calling tasks for

  • Data-driven approach

  • Immediate cold calls

  • Scheduled cold calls

  • Flexibility

  • To save time and money

If you have any questions related to cold-calling virtual assistants and agencies, feel free to reach out to us at Vaforus

Our professionals have battle-tested strategies for cold calling services. Don’t just take our words. Check our client reviews here and schedule a meeting