How to Effectively Manage Remote Teams?

In this blog post I will equip the managers and business owners with the effective practices of managing the remote teams and also the tools that are required for remote management.

Iqra Abid

2/22/20244 min read

MacBook Air beside gold-colored study lamp and spiral books
MacBook Air beside gold-colored study lamp and spiral books

The working landscape is not evolving, it's already evolved. Having remote teams on the board or outsourcing various tasks of the business is now the norm.

Virtual assistants have long been a staple for solopreneurs or small businesses. And even large corporations also embrace the benefits of geographically dispersed teams.

But the real challenge comes from managing the remote teams. Handling the virtual environment whether they include VAs or not is not a breeze.

Because no one likes to work with strangers. Colleagues who are not physically connected usually feel that they are independent and have no company culture.

Today in this blog post I will equip the managers and business owners with the effective practices of managing the remote teams and also the tools that are required for remote management.

But before a dive let’s discuss the challenges that are usually faced by many managers in dealing with their distributed teams.

What are the challenges in managing remote teams?

Lack of Effective Communication: 

The real hurdle in managing the remote team is miscommunication. It's like you have the best talents in the world on your panel but due to non-collaborative communication things may lead to mismanagement 

Miscommunication in remote teams is due to the lack of nonverbal cues and immediate clarification which can further complicate things.

Information isolation:

Managing the remote teams is not difficult if the team members know that taking notes or sharing information is as necessary as oxygen.

Team members working remotely might not readily share information due to physical separation which leads to confined knowledge and delaying collaboration.

Lack of Supervision:

In a remote setting, managers have limited visibility into their team members' daily activities. This lack of supervision can make it difficult to track progress, identify issues, and provide timely feedback.

Meetings complexity: 

Remote teams are geographically scattered and may also be in different time zones. Everyone on the team is working according to an easy schedule or time management.

Managing remote teams and coordinating meetings across different time zones can be challenging and disruptive to individual work schedules.

However, managing remote teams in any time zone is not as difficult if you religiously follow the best practices and incorporate them into your work routine.

So, let’s take a scoop out of our best exercises

Learn more: Benefits of hiring a virtual assistant for your business

Effective practices to manage remote teams

Benefits of Over-Communication in Remote Teams

Giving feedback, collaborating about the tasks or deadlines, and giving clear instructions are vital in remote settings. But how can you achieve this?

In managing the remote teams over communication is better than under communication. Arrange virtual meetings to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Communicate about the deadlines or give reminders. It's not necessary to have only video chat. For a quick message or any note, you can use the instant messaging services of your required platform.  

Even with non-simultaneous communication, you can manage the teams by asking them to collaborate through documents and message boards at their convenience.

You can use different software including cloud-based tools like Google Drive or Trello.

Learn more: Why should companies outsource their work in 2024?

Do not Micromanage the Remote Teams

Remember being a manager doesn’t mean interfering with every tiny proceeding of the tasks and asking your team to show their process. Focus on outputs, not micromanaging every minute.

Set clear goals and deadlines, but trust your team members to achieve them in their own way. Utilize time-tracking tools for transparency, but remember, it's about results, not constant monitoring.

In this way, you not only effectively manage the remote teams by increasing productivity but can also be able to build trust among them.

However, continuous feedback weekly or after every completion of a task is vital for trust building.

If you are managing a remote team, then allow them to be the owner of their tasks, while arranging the one-to-one meeting to associate on a personal level.

Learn more: Top 7 trends of virtual assistants in 2024.

Nurture a virtual culture

Any team requires a vibrant culture so that they can connect among themselves.

Therefore, don’t think that remote teams are different. Managing the remote members requires a sense of belonging and engagement with the company culture.

Don't let distance dampen your team spirit. Organize virtual team-building activities, celebrate birthdays and achievements, and encourage casual social interaction through online channels.

You can also play games that help your team boost creativity and increase knowledge.

Relevant: How to motivate remote employees with 3 simple strategies?

Remote team management is all about Tools

The right tools are your secret weapons for managing remote teams effectively.

You can have many options for opting the remote software that can help you in handling your remote work routine.

Here are some to explore

  • Communication: Slack, Zoom, Microsoft Team

  • Collaboration: Trello, Asana, Google Drive

  • Project Management: Asana,, Teamwork

  • Time Tracking: Quickbooks, Hubstaff, Toggl, RescueTime

Moreover, to fulfill their duties, VAs require the resources and tools that support them in their tasks.

Make sure that remote members have access to all the essential tools that can make their work smooth.  

Bonus Tip: Embrace flexibility. Remote teams require an understanding of different work styles and time zones. Be adaptable, open to different communication preferences, and encourage healthy work-life boundaries.

Relevant: The best software for remote teams

Build and Manage a Remote Team that you can trust.

Managing a remote team is just like managing your organization.

Be transparent and honest with your VAs. Don’t favor anyone or take the side of any member as this practice can have negative impacts on the overall virtual atmosphere.

In addition, avoid multi-tasking in remote teams. This can decrease productivity and increase the burnout rate. To meet the pace of the digital world, assemble the deadlines so that every member will fulfill their own tasks.

Managing remote teams can be a rewarding experience. By prioritizing communication, collaboration, and trust, and utilizing the right tools, you can build a high-performing team that blooms regardless of physical distance.

If you are struggling to build and manage VAs in your team, the Vaforus lets you help in building your expert squad.

The seasoned Virtual assistants at Vaforus can be the missing puzzle in your remote settings. They are familiar with virtual environments and are experts in operating remote team software.

Book your meeting with us and experience the well-organized VAs in the world.